Maybe I have this wrong, but wanted to see if anyone can help out.

InMoov bicep, setup per Gael. I set the servo pot to 0. I test using Arduino IDE and everything works fine.

Now I fire up MRL, and by defaut the servo setting is at 90 for (servo.bicep) when I attach the servo (instead of 0) and everything falls apart.

If I go back and set the servo-bicep to 0 in MRL gui before I attach then the slider works fine.

Am I missing something? How can I ensure that when I start inMoov Arm I have the right setting for the servos?


Maybe I am completely missing something.


Thanks again in adavance for any suggestions.




8 years 2 months ago


Inmoov service set the bicep rest postion to 5, not 90. 

Are you sure your servo is connected properly? if it "rest" at 90, it's probably connect on the rotate pin


void moveTo(java.lang.Integer bicep, java.lang.Integer rotate, java.lang.Integer shoulder, java.lang.Integer omoplate)

Ciao jaideepjoshi,

they are the angle every servo should move to :

i01.moveArm("left", bicep, rotate ,shoulder , omoplate)
