Hey guys.... I'm going to buy a new laptop and a MAC is one of the options.... 

So, i had the idea to make this post to invite MAC users to share their experience with MyRobotLab for :

1) Helping me making a choice

2) Create a list of MRL bugs which need some work on MAC 

Post here your experience and problems found with MyRobotLab on MAC

Thanks for the help




9 years 11 months ago

I had significant issues running on my Mac. That said, I think the group could use more Mac testers. It's a pretty popular developer laptop. Also, I think a lot of the issues will go away as we transition to Web UI.   Jeff 


9 years 11 months ago

Yeah .. I agree with Jeff...

Swing sucks .. it sucks more on Mac.. but in general it just sucks..  Heh, you getting a Mac would maybe force us to WebGUI (Where I want to go) faster :)

One thing I don't like about Macs is Mac OS

They are just more proprietary than any other operating system.  The problems of this manifest itself in a variety of ways.  One of the most detrimental is support of drivers for different hardware.

Another thing is I'm a control freak .. I want at least the opportunity to go to the lowest (kernel) level to determine what is going on.  So, my first choice is Linux .. Mac OS is NOT Linux .. 

Price - the quality is usually better than Asus (but that's not saying much) .. A lot of what your paying for is hype..  



9 years 11 months ago

Thanks for the feedbacks guys...

Jeff, can you list the issues for future improvements?

The Java Swing UI framework is generally good at being cross-OS compatible. However, if you program to an API that was deprecated or not meant for user consumption, it's most likely not tested as part of a JDK release. 

There's an open issue on Github, see: https://github.com/MyRobotLab/myrobotlab/issues/17

Until Mac becomes part of the automated testing process, it shouldn't be considered a target OS/platform. 

This group has limited resources - and a strategy is defined by how we use those resources. Ensuring QA integrity on a Mac is a big decision. I love my Mac but use Windows when doing MRL. 

This make me want more and more a mac... MRL isn't commercial software... So I would prefer a software with bugs than no sof
tware at all on Mac...

I know that Mac users just want software to work out of the box, but our mission is to give a pretty stable software to improve :)


9 years 11 months ago

I don't have a lot of experiance with myrobotlab yet but for the most part I've got it to do what I want on my mac.  The only thing I've really noticed, and it's a minor thing, is my tabs of open services just go in a long straight line instead of tiling like I see in windows tutorials.  Just makes it a pain to click through everything to see what I have open.  I do agree that it's hard if not impossible to figure out how to install some drivers