This page (will) describe the OculusRift service to get head tracking information and to attach to a stereo camera system .
The OculusRift service consists of 2 cameras in addition to the head tracker. The OculusRiftGUI will display the video feeds in a side by side fashion as required by the OculusRift. When this display is maximized , it will work in the OculusRift. The cameras are mounted rotated by 90 degrees. One camera is rotated clockwise and the other is rotated counter clockwise. Orientating the cameras on their side (portrate vs landscape) provides the proper aspect ratio for the oculus rift gui display.
The video feeds and cameras must be perfectly level otherwise stereo convergence might not occur for the wearer of the Oculus Rift.
After starting the OculusRift service, open the GUI. Pick a point near the center of the image that is easy to identify. Click the same point as closely as possible in both video streams. Upon clicking the second point, the two video streams will vertically align automatically.
Example Script for the InMoov Oculus Head
Below is a script that will show how to create the OculusRift service. Then create 2 servos that will attach to a pan/tilt assembly. (pan is the "rothead" servo in the InMoov. tilt is the "neck" servo in the InMoov)
For this example, the left and right cameras are index 0 and 1 respectively. The cameras are mounted and rotated by 90 and 270 degrees respectively so the video feed is on it's side.
The OculusRift service exposes 3 useful methods. getPitch() getRoll() and getYaw()
These return an angle in degrees.
Native Library Dependencies
Note: OculusRift service relies on a JNA binding and native dll. This should work automatically when the OculusRift service is installed, but if not, you may need to add the -Djna.library.path argument to the JVM.
TODO: update/remove this section of this page.
The oculus rift service relies on native libraries that are exposed via java's JNA interface. When using the OculusRift service, be sure to start MRL (java) with the command line argument for
At this time the OCR_D.dll file is not pulled down properly with the install of the Oculus service. It's on the TODO list to fix it. In the mean time, you'll have to manually download add the DLL file to your MRL install's native libraries. The same goes for the java JAR file ( jovr- and OVR_C.dll )
Work Around:
1. downlaod OVR_C.dll file from github :
2. save that file into your MyRobotLab/libraries/native/win32-x86-64 directory
3. download the jar file… and save it into MyRobotLab/libraries/jar
3. start myrobot lab from the command prompt using the following command:
javaw -Djava.library.path=libraries/native/ -Djna.library.path=libraries/native/ -cp ./;./myrobotlab.jar;./libraries/jar/* org.myrobotlab.service.Runtime -service gui GUIService python Python
NOTE: replace the path with the appropriate path for the system you are running on. (I have only tested with windows 64 bit..)
DIY Oculus Rift References
Moving in stereo...
Life is strange.. moving in stereo... Starting to work on the gui for the rift service.. adding two openCV subservices so I can see in stereo ... woot!
There You Are ! Nice work
There You Are !
Nice work kwatters ! .. must have missed this - are we looking at your 3d self with 2 hercules cameras + fish eye lens? Excited to see where this goes :)
telepresence realized..
yup.. that is a stereo view into my offfice. the images are aligned so they converge into stereo 3d vision in the rift.. I'm hoping that maybe next weekend, I'll have the time to finish up the gui to pull the cameras into a single gui that can be maximized.. that plus the head tracking from the rift, makes for quite an out of body experience...
Nice shirt!
Good album. I like rusty cage. :)
Need to record the two streams and export them as side by side so people cat watch on 3DTV.
What's the FPS like ?
stereo hercules cameras
The USB2.0 hercules cameras were only getting about 11 to 12 FPS.. not great, but functional. I just got a GoPro... but I don't think it's really cost effective to put 2 go-pros in the inmoov head.
Oculus Rift GUI powered by GroG!
With some (a lot!) of help from GroG we got the Rift GUI working.. this is huge step forward!
Any update on this ? Im
Any update on this ? Im wondering if its possible to display two camera stream on the oculus rift and how does one even get Oculus Rift service in first place, i don't have it in the service list.
Which Oculus Runtime do you use?
I'm trying to use the oculus service with MRL version 1.0.119 and Oculus Runtime v0.8, and I follow the instructions for the native library dependecies, but I get an error like the "video was null" in MRL. Which version of the oculus runtime is supoused to work with the oculus service ?
Use the latest
Hi diegocdl,
Verion 1.0.119 is SUPER old! Use the latest build. We're up to build 1.0.1117 now. The link for it is at the top of the in the shoutbox on this page. I updated the oculus service last time it was using Oculus Runtime 0.7. It should work with both the DK1 and DK2. I have not tried the actual consumer version of the oculus yet.
The "video was null" error message means that there was no video from the camera. I suspect you'll need to do some tweaking to get it working for your setup. See how far you get, let me know. I'm happy to help work through the issues to get it working with you
Good luck!
Still not working
Sorry for answer too late, Now I clone the development branch from the repository of github and run My robot lab with eclipse to use the last version and becouse I'm working in create a new service to control the InMoov, and have the oculus runtime 0.8 becouse the 0.7 don't recognize my oculus DK2 and I find the runtime 0.8 has compability with the 0.7, but still get an error, the specific error is "The Oculus Display was null". And before that the Oculus Service generates an Exception in the hmd.create() that says "Unable to initialize HMD"
Do you have any clue about what can be wrong?
I really apreciate your help