Here I present a Program to clone a Parallax Propeller into thinking its an Arduino for use with MyRobotLab.
Its just a first Proof of concept with basic MRLComm commands
I devised the code to emulate an Arduino Uno :-
- Digital Inputs
- Digital Outputs
- Analog inputs
- Servo Outputs pin orientated (still needs tweeking)
It already can be used "as is" however there are many commands to be shoehorned in.
I guess this would also be a starting point for any FPGA / ARM MRLComm system.
You will need a Propeller chip and these Object files (libraries) saved to the same folder as the below code.
- "ExtendedFullDupleSerial.spin"
- "FullDuplexSerial"
- "Servo32v9.spin" & "Servo32_Ramp_v2.spin"
COPY PASTE the below into the Spin IDE .... Run and enjoy
* @author Gareth aka
* File :- MRLComm_Prop_19.spin
* MyRobotLab is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version (subject to the "Classpath" exception
* as provided in the LICENSE.txt file).
* MyRobotLab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful or fun,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* All libraries in thirdParty bundle are subject to their own license
* requirements.
* Enjoy !
* -----------------
* Purpose: translate serial commands into Propeller language commands,
* mostly relating to IO. This would allow a computer to easily take
* advantage of Propellers great IO capabilities, while cpu number crunching
* could be done on the computer
This is a Propeller version that clones itself as an Arduino Uno.
The advantage of using a Propeller is that it runs @80Mhz with 8 parallel cores.
Easily implemeted is i2c , composite video and VGA outputs.
Only Basic Proof of concept actions are implemented so far:-
(1) Digital Inputs/Outputs
(2) Analogs
(3) Servos PWM
When compared to the Arduino the Propeller version in infact ends up with an extra 2 analogs and extra 14 digital I/Os
NB Coding :- DIRB and OUTB registers are a special case (programmers trick) as they are not implemented by the Propeller (Propeller uses DIRA & OUTA to control its IO and thats all it needs)
As they are free registers they can be used for bit mapping ... its a real easy way to set and clear bits in a 32 bit word , so i have exploited them as flags in the programming
:- At momment using some binary ie %0000_0101 notations make it easier to see whats happening ... the underscore is ignored by Propeller
Additional Hardware :-
An ADC chip is needed for the analog conversion....
Sigma/delta circuits could be used, however 2 pins per channel are take easy way and choose the....
Chip version details here :-
┌───────────────────────────────────────────┐ ┌─────────┐
│ 8 Channel 12-Bit Analog>Digital │ Analog 0─┫ M Vdd┣─┬─── 3.3 Volt
│ Designed for the MCP3X0X series of ADCs │ 1─┫ C VRef┣─┘
│ Using the MCP3208 chip │ 2─┫ P AGnd┣─┐
│ Channels are mapped from :- │ 3─┫ 3 Clk┣─┼─── pin 27
│ 14 to 21 (ie 20&21 are Bonus) │ 4─┫ 2 DOut┣─┼─┐
│ as Arduino has only 6 analogs │ 5─┫ 0 DIn ┣─┼─┻─ pin 26
└───────────────────────────────────────────┘ 6─┫ 8 CS ┣─┼─── pin 25
7─┫ DGnd┣─┴─── 0.0 Volt
└─────────┘ }}
_clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x
_xinfreq = 5_000_000 ' Set up the clock for 80Mhz
Vclk_p = 27 ' clock pin ' ADC setup requites 3 pins
Vn_p = 26 ' data in ' Yes the data in/out can be tied together
Vo_p = 26 ' data out '
Vcs_p = 25 ' CS pin '
MRLCommVersion = 9 ' Each update requires this to be ++
PST : "ExtendedFullDupleSerial" ' This Serial Handler enables you to put a timeout on the RX data (so no hang ups waiting for lost bytes)
ADC : "ADC_INPUT_DRIVER" ' 8 channel analog handler
SERVO : "Servo32v9.spin" ' Gives ability to control 32 Servos with speed control - NB to detach a servo send it a wild out of range value.
Byte MRL_Magic ' Store Magic number... General declarations, mostly global variables so its easier to exchange data between subroutines/cogs
Byte MRL_SZ ' Size of following data packet ... at moment its set for a variable max of up to 4 bytes
Byte MRL_FN ' Function ....What action to make
Byte MRL_Data1 ' 1st data byte
Byte MRL_Data2 ' 2nd data byte
Byte MRL_Data3 ' 3rd data byte
Byte RX_IN ' Received data buffer
Byte RXTimeout ' Receive data time out, value is in milliseconds (ours is set to 10ms)
Word Ana1 ' As ADC chip is 12 bits the data needs to be spanned over two data bytes
Word Ana2 '
Word DigitalStream ' Which Digitals are TXed back
Word DigitalChannel ' Propeller pin0-pin24 pins25>31 are used for analog control and basic RXTX comms
Word DigitalRead ' Maybe a couple of pins more will be dedicated to i2c or neopixel control etc
Word AnalogStream ' Which analogs are TXed back
Word AnalogChannel ' %0000_1110 being the first analog Propeller maps its analogs to these pins ie analog 0 = pin14
Word AnalogRead ' analog 1 = pin15 etc
Byte Magic_Number
PUB Begin
PST.Start(31,30,0,57600) ' Start the Serial link to MRL on pins 31(rx),30(tx) @57600 Baud
ADC.start(Vo_p, Vn_p, Vclk_p, Vcs_p, 8, 8, 12, 1, false) ' Start ADC = scan 8 channels, 12-bit ADC, mode 1
SERVO.Start ' Start Servo handler
'DIRA[22..23]~~ ' debug 2 output watchdogs 23 = connected to MRL 22=data
'OUTA[22]:=False ' set debug led off
'OUTA[23]:=False ' set debug led off
Magic_Number := %1010_1010 ' Magic control sequence
RXTimeout := 10 ' Set the receive time out to 10ms .... so keeps things in motion (ie waiting for bytes that never come :-)
RX_IN := PST.RxTime( RXTimeout ) ' Look for the first byte of a payload
if RX_IN == %10101010 ' If its a "Magic" byte then process the rest
MRLMagicFirst ' Call Serial IN routine to extract first bytes of data
case MRL_FN
%0001_1010 : ' Yes i am here MRL so I am sending my HandShake and version back to you.
PST.tx(Magic_Number) ' Magic number
PST.tx(%0000_0010) ' 2 byte payload
PST.tx(%0001_1010) ' My MRL version is......
PST.tx(MRLCommVersion) ' current MRL communication version
%0000_0100 : ' Digital pinmode direction cmd ... without altering the actual output/input
DIRA[MRL_Data1] := MRL_Data2 ' Set Digital to an input or output
%0000_0000 : ' Digital pinmode direction command ... with switch for digital pin on/off
DIRA[MRL_Data1] := MRL_Data2 ' Set the DataDirection to OUTPUT MRL_Data2 should be a logic "1"
OUTA[MRL_Data1] := MRL_Data2
%0000_1111 : ' start Digital Read Polling Bi-direction data stream until told to stop.
DIRA[MRL_Data1]:=MRL_Data2 ' Set the Pin as an INPUT MRL_Data2 should be a logic "0"
OUTB[MRL_Data1]:= 1 ' raise flag so this pin is included in the digital polling loop
DigitalStream := OUTB[13..0] ' Update the Digital loop stream (starts stream if at least one flag is raised,it no flag then no streaming)
%0001_0000 : ' Read polling stop ........AND (MRL_Data1 < %0000_1110) PIN mode
DIRA[MRL_Data1]:=MRL_Data2 ' Stop Read polling on this pin
OUTB[MRL_Data1]:= 0 ' remove pin from digital loop
DigitalStream := OUTB[13..0]
%0000_1101 : ' Enable Analog cmd can in this sequence 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 or 7
OUTB[MRL_Data1]~~ ' on
AnalogStream := OUTB[19..14]
%0000_1110 : ' Disable Analog cmd 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 or 7
OUTB[MRL_Data1]~ ' off
AnalogStream := OUTB[19..14]
%0000_0110 : ' Servo command
%0000_0111 :
if DigitalStream > %0000_0000 ' Only service Digital Stream if needed
if AnalogStream > %0000_0000 ' Only service Analog Stream if needed
'If you need to slow things down then :- waitcnt(clkfreq/10 + cnt) .... this may be cmd 27 ... i think...
PUB MRLMagicFirst ' Messy routine.... until I implement Mega version...
MRL_Magic := RX_IN ' Store Magic Byte
RX_IN := PST.RxTime(RXTimeout)
MRL_SZ := RX_IN ' Store Size of following Payload
case MRL_SZ
%00000001 : ' If size = 1 byte call the store 1 byte routine AA:01:(1A) for example
MRL_FN := PST.RxTime(RXTimeout)
%00000010 : ' If size = 2 byte call the store 2 bytes routine AA:02:(1A):(00) for example
MRL_FN := PST.RxTime(RXTimeout)
MRL_Data1 := PST.RxTime(RXTimeout)
%00000011 : ' If size = 3 byte call the store 3 bytes routine AA:01:(1A):(00):(00) for example
MRL_FN := PST.RxTime(RXTimeout)
MRL_Data1 := PST.RxTime(RXTimeout)
MRL_Data2 := PST.RxTime(RXTimeout)
%00000100 : ' If size = 4 byte call the store 4 bytes routine AA:01:(1A):(00):(00) for example
MRL_FN := PST.RxTime(RXTimeout)
MRL_Data1 := PST.RxTime(RXTimeout)
MRL_Data2 := PST.RxTime(RXTimeout)
MRL_Data3 := PST.RxTime(RXTimeout)
PUB AnalogLoop
repeat AnalogChannel from 14 to 21 ' 8 analogs are implemented as Propeller has 2 extra Bit of a messy loop ... as not sure what to do when converted to a Mega vesrsion
if OUTB[AnalogChannel] == 1 ' Test our special register ... If set then TX that analog
AnalogRead := ADC.getval(AnalogChannel-%0000_1110) ' -14 because Arduino analog starts at 14 and Propeller is starts at 0
AnalogSend ' So basically only send back an Analog that is Flagged for in the data stream
PUB AnalogSingle ' Sending single Analogs back to MRL can be done by calling this routine.
AnalogChannel :=MRL_Data1 ' 0E first analog
AnalogRead := ADC.average(AnalogChannel-%0000_1110,10) ' ADC value of channel 0 (Averageing 100 values)
PUB AnalogSend
PST.tx(Magic_Number) 'Send:- Magic number
PST.tx(%0000_0100) ' 4 bata bytes to follow
PST.tx(%0000_0011) ' this is analog data....
PST.tx(AnalogChannel) ' Analog 0 = 0E ' for analog number .....
Ana1:= AnalogRead ' read and store analog value
Ana2:= ana1>>8 ' /256
PST.tx(Ana2) ' send high byte
PST.tx(Ana1) ' send low byte
PUB DigitalLoop
repeat DigitalChannel from 0 to 13 ' Set up Digital loop input stream Bit of a messy loop ... as not sure what to do when converted to a Mega vesrsion
if OUTB[DigitalChannel] == 1 ' Test our special register ...
DigitalRead := INA[DigitalChannel] ' if bit is set then TX that digital input
'PUB DigitalSingle
' DigitalChannel := MRL_Data1 ' Inputpin 0
' DigitalRead := INA[DigitalChannel ] '
' DigitalSend
'if INA[2] == 1
' OUTA[23]~~
' else
' OUTA[23]~
PUB DigitalSend
PST.tx(Magic_Number) 'Send:- Magic number
PST.tx(%0000_0011) ' 3 byte payload
PST.tx(%0000_0001) ' this is going to be a digital input
PST.tx(DigitalChannel) ' off this digital pin
PST.tx(DigitalRead) ' with a digital 1 or 0
PUB ServoAttach
Servo.Set(MRL_Data1+2,1500) ' attach a servo to this pin ....and errr center it for start
PUB ServoDeattach
Servo.set(MRL_Data1+2,50000) ' Servo detatach is done by give a wild value
PUB ServoPWM ' send this pwm signal to selected servo
Servo.set(MRL_Data1+2,MRL_Data2*20) ' This *20 if a "fudge as MRL outputs degrees and not milliseconds
PUB Flashlight ' Debug LEDS for development only connect to pins 22 and 23
repeat 2
!OUTA[22..23] ' Invert LED condition on2off off2on a couple of times
waitcnt(clkfreq/4 + cnt) ' Blip a few lights to show activity
WOOOHOOO ! Nice Borg'in
WOOOHOOO ! Nice Borg'in Gareth !
Will check into GitHub so we can both add stuff to it easily
Ok Boss, how many digital
Ok Boss,
how many digital pins ... it has no analog right ? you have the nifty adapter for analog ?
are all the pins pwm too ?
How many different board types ? Is it like the Arduino line .. some with many pins, some with few.. and some in-be-tween ?
Thanks for the update
Thanks for the update Gareth..
Important question :
I use the oscope all the time, and I get a feeling you do as well... Do you ever use the pin tab ? Have you ever found it useful.. ?
Oscope rules
I too find the oscope invaluable, its saved me a lot of time.
I don't use the pins as much ... I only use it to test outputs.. I guess the oscope tab could have output toggle switches instead ie on the right side and then you could do away with pins tab.