Hello everybody , long time i didn't came here sorry . Since few month, i'm working on a new robot called " Sweety ". Of course it will be powered by MyRobotLab .

It is based on POLYRO robot and RobAir ...

Still lot of work to do like hands, speakers, microphone, etc ... Slowly but surely !

Here is a picture of it but no noise he is in meditation lol !


I've also bought a kinect 360 , but for now, it work with win 7 ( openNi + Nite ) but not with MyRobotLab .

I've an error : NoClassDefFoundError org/OpenNi/Context if i run the service GestureReconition .

With openCv, if i select openKinect, there is nothing when i press " Capture " ..

That all !



10 years 3 months ago

Here is the list of parts of my robot for now :

- 2 webcams 1.3MP with 6 led light and microphone

- 2 servos TG9e for move the webcams left/right

- 7 servos MG995

*** 1 for the neck up/down

*** 2 for each shoulders

*** 1 for each elbow

- 1 arduino mega 2560

- 1 motor driver board module L298N

- 2 motors from electric quad for childrens

- 2 wheels for " grass cutter " ( i don't know the good word ;-)

- 6 ultrasonic sensors HC-SR04 (3 front and 3 behind , 45° beetween them)

To control all that , MRL of course and a laptop Intel Core 2 Duo T7700, 2Go, win7 32 bits

The robot is made with wood 5mm for the body and 8mm for the base (green part for now)

TODO : program all that, make hands , install LEDs to make a mouth, add speakers, replace the laptop by a board like raspbery or cubieboard, paint it and a lot of things !!