
Is it possible to use Cleverbot with the InMoov project? I have been looking at Pandorabot and have created a bot there. 

I would like to be able to verabally ask my InMoov a question and have it answer (of course the mouth should move when it speaks) as well the usual voice commands to make it move, all running at the same time.



10 years 4 months ago

Hi bhouston,

It  is "partially" working ...

I made the CleverBot Service quite a while ago... and was surprised that no one was using it in any form... Just recently I found out that the repo was broken in this area.. so no one could really load the service correctly.

I've fixed the problem - but am still busy with the to github move.

However, I've made a huge package which contains all the services pre-loaded...

This is for a x86 64 bit windows 

I tested it with the following script ..

I frist wanted to make it speak its reply.. but on windows you cant have filenames with question marks ;P
So invalid file name characters will need to be filtered out...

Another "challenge" is to recognize the speech .. this is really the biggest challenge.
Sphinx is not made to do any free form text .. at least in its current form..
There are other speech recognizers GoogleSTT is one .. and WK really wants me to make a MicroSoft Speech SDK service...