UPDATE 01.02.2014

OpenCV optimized on Raspi.. from 1 frame every 30 seconds to 5 fps !! Good Job Grog!!

I'm on the other side Morpheus... I jumped !!!! Now i can bend spoons and avoid bullets :)



11 years ago

InMoov on a RasPi  .. that is going to be amazing !!!
Keep Rockin !

(So shall we do (N) axis tracking now ! )
running without desktop (headless) + no gui update should help performance a bit..


11 years ago

Performance on my system is horrible ... memory is being swapped .. I get about 1 frame and it all quits :P
We must optimize !

YAY !!! Nice pic morpheus..so now you too are in the matrix :) Yep... i have the same issue with memory...i really would like to test with a raspi cam module !!