UPDATE 06/28/2013

Test with "real codes" printed...supa worky :D

Here is a pic....

Update - Test with 4 simbols :D





11 years 6 months ago


just made the serviceData.xml changes - you'll have to delete your local one in the .myrobotlab directory - I have not tested the "install", but I think all the parts are in place.

It would be nice to get the camera working - I don't know if the dll supplied is 32 or 64 bit..  we should make them both (compile for 32 & 64) then send it back to Michael Horn the projects contact person .. then it will at least work on 2 out of the common 9 platforms (Windows 32/64 , Linux 32/64, Mac 32/64, Android 32)

We should make a display to - to view the result picture with label overlays which have all the info ..

This was an interesting forum post - http://nuigroup.com/forums/viewthread/13458/P15/ - scroll down for the GUI ...  OpenCV could be used to pre-process images so they are more suitable for TopCodes to work