Here Leonardo Triassi has made a spectacular InMoov and its now running some of the same scripts from the InMoov service page.  Soon they will be sharing Brains !!!  Great work Mr. Triassi !


11 years 8 months ago

Isn't that cool! A robot super Heroe.

It is an interesting video, because we can see what can be improved concerning voice commands second stage confirmation. It also helps me to see what movements other robots can do.

Looks great !   Is it a long sequence of gesture captures?  Or, is it triggered by the Speech service (I think this would be better)..  We'd love to see the script and hear more about it !

Also, someone (apparently in France) - could simply zip alll the utterances in the male voice and send it to J.. he could unzip it and she would be a he :)

Looks great !   Is it a long sequence of gesture captures?  Or, is it triggered by the Speech service (I think this would be better)..  We'd love to see the script and hear more about it !

Also, someone (apparently in France) - could simply zip alll the utterances in the male voice and send it to J.. he could unzip it and she would be a he :)


11 years 8 months ago

In reply to by GroG

i think i found a way to get the voice to male, by using a web proxy in France eg..

since the service get the files by sending

if you could have an option to change it to :

im hoping it would work.

Nice find !  Yes most definately !

I'll put in an option to use maile voice with the proxy you suggested, additionally I'll have a setAlternateURI(String uri)  which allows it to be configured to proxy of the users choice .

Thanks and Welcome to MRL :)  !


11 years 8 months ago

In reply to by GroG

thanks,  that would be great.


11 years 8 months ago

In reply to by jhack

The road to a simple male voice apparently has gotten more complex.  I was curious as to what benefit the proxy service is recieving and found out the request "sometimes" does not get fufilled, instead an advertisement is shown.  

So, complexity makes more complexity....   I will figure out a way to re-try until the data type of mp3 comes back.

I think Google is great in offering this service for free (at the moment?) , but it's not the same as "open source" and make delicate interfaces ...

I'll have more for you soon :)

hi i had a quick play in eclipse , still not shoure on what im doing. but this this may help


// use proxy server
                HttpHost proxy = new HttpHost("",27000);
                client.getParams().setParameter(ConnRoutePNames.DEFAULT_PROXY, proxy);
                HttpGet request = new HttpGet(uri.toASCIIString());
                HttpResponse response = client.execute(request);


using a couple more imports

think they are :

import org.apache.http.conn.params.ConnRoutePNames;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient;

i havent figered out how to turn the proxy on and off.


hope this helps, first tests when ok.






11 years 8 months ago

In reply to by jhack

Nice work :)

I like the idea of using a "regular" proxy versus using the previous interface where the endpoint address is submitted in a encoded GET request.

So, Proxy code is better !

Your proxy did not work for me :P

But I tried one from the list from your link 

HttpHost proxy = new HttpHost("",8080);
client.getParams().setParameter(ConnRoutePNames.DEFAULT_PROXY, proxy);
And it did work ... Yay !
switching would just be to make the proxy or not.
Additionally I still want to put in a check to see the results are mp3 versus an error page or something..
Thanks for the help !

Alright JHack,

Here's an example script to excercise what I've done..

speech = Runtime.createAndStart("speech","Speech")
speech.speakBlocking("hello i am a woman")
speech.speakBlocking("hello i am a man")
speech.setGoogleProxy("jarvis","", 7808)
speech.speakBlocking("i might be a man")
If you get the latest release (or do a bleeding edge update)  or Update to Head if your using eclipse - this Python script will switch genders.
speakBlocking blocks the thread until the speaking is done - usually I don't do this - but in this case it forces speech while configured to be a certain gender - otherwise - all speaking would be using speech.setGoogleProxy("jarvis","", 7808)  config only since speaking takes a long time relative to setting the config (a multi-threaded thing)
Currently the setGenderMale is equivalent to 
speech.setGoogleProxy("jarvis","", 8080)
which has worked a few times...
I have had extremely bad luck going to any proxy more than once :P
So, I'm thinking of using your original site and dealing with the details of the cookies - at least that seems somewhat more consistent..

Now at home, I have tried every proxy and they all fail....

Even  is down !

Maybe you should ask Gael to zip his audioFile directory and send it to you :)

Heh, if Gael permitted it, it would even be possible for you to get audioFiles from his InMoov by connecting MRLs together ...  but sending a zip through email would probably be less difficult

Getting frustrated with bad proxy servers - I did another search - and confirmed (again) that you can not control the gender of google_tts

HOWEVER - the search led me to this

which has a list of them & from it I found this - does it work for you.. works consistently for me :)

hi iv been having more luck with the first uk proxy i found


it has not missed on yet.

and its still a male voice

i'm running this code


for x in range(0, 101):
  print x


to test the conection

up to 38


11 years 8 months ago

In reply to by jhack

It appears that time sensitive cookies are sent when you land on the initial web page, after you get these cookies you can use the proxy service.


11 years 8 months ago

I'm working on Sphinx as we speak... it can be frustrating - the documentation is very much out of sync with the code.  And the code ... well, let's just say it's a little challenging they way the "configure" it. :D

Regardless should have updates soon, with 2 stage ...