Hi all. So, im considering releasing my advanced inmoov head for all of you to use if you desire. its not fully finished and to be honest i would need testers to make sure that certain things work as expected. The entire head would have to be reprinted to use my design, and you would need the drupp neck. There was one problem with the drupp neck in that it was not strong enough to hold up the new head with all of its electronics and spawn and I never came up with a different or modified design to account for this.  What does work is the eyes, eyelids the mouth movement, jaw movement, and head bob movement. The head and neck was meant to have a silicone skin cover it but I became busy right before I designed the skin for it. A tongue was in the works and there still is  space for it but the movement design was not finished. The lips mechanism was designed but not tested (and they probably needed some revisions to make them look accurate). Eyebrows are half complete with up/down movements designed (untested) but struggling to fit the rotation design into such a small space. All in all, Im fairly proud of my work, and im hoping that with publishing my designs, that the rest of you can help me finish it. I am quite busy with college so I dont have much time on my hands, but Im hoping to get back to its design at some point.  Here is a reference video of the eye movement in case your forgot (Hope it doesnt break mrl like last time. lol) 







5 years 4 months ago


That's a great thought of sharing!

Along with the spirit of MRL and InMoov.

Let me know when you publish the parts along with the tutorials, I will be delighted to see your ingeniosity.

Hey Gael. Over the next week im gonna export all my STL's from blender and into a new github repository. The one issue that I will have is that I will be unable to make tutorials on assembling WITH the assembled head as I never actually printed it! I had morton (Spawn) print it all out for me and become my official tester, but he has dropped off the map :(    Therefore, I will need one of you guys to print out the parts, and I'll have to look through my conversations with morton to see what hardware was decided on for controling the moving parts. I will provide pictures or blender files if necessary to allow you guys to view my model setups and Ill make sure its all labeled appropriately. All of the servos I used in the confines of the skull are the corona DS-929HV. There are at least 13 of them in the skull, possibly 15 depending on how we do the eyebrow rotation. Since I ran out of room in the skull for more servos, I decided to move lip movement and possible tongue movement servos down into the torso below the drupp neck, controlling things via flex cables. Thats just an overview of some of the hardware. I'll post my link to the repository in this blog once i start setting it up. 


4 years 9 months ago

Any progress since the lasst update, been following this project for a year now, but have only been able to make an account now, as kept on failing 


4 years 9 months ago

In reply to by XIBRO7247

Hey Xibro. Yea progress halted for a year as I was busy with college (I still am), but I recently picked up on the models again to get it released and allow the community to play with it. Just have to finish a few connectors in the skull before release, but I'll have to talk with the user Spawn, who helped me test it, to get all the parts we ended up using for a build of materials. I hope I can make it modular so that everyone can pick and choose which head mechanisms they want as there isnt room in the head with all the mechanisms for stuff like a raspi. It will have dual raspi v2 cams in the eyes though ;) The tongue and lip functions havent been figured out yet, which is was another reason I had to stop working on it for awhile.  Ray came up with a new idea for a neck that I want to try out, but I might leave that up to the MRL community to try with my current files. Not sure on  a timeline right now, but  i dont want to wait too many more months or I might never get a chance to release. So, hopefully, a max of 2 months, but im hoping a lot sooner. 



4 years 9 months ago

In reply to by Alexinator40

If you would like help, I could design a tounge mech for you , using a tenticle system if you would like help


4 years 9 months ago

In reply to by XIBRO7247

Hey Xibro. Yea,  that would be fine. Im in finals week of my classes right now, so Ive gotta finish up this week before I can prep for release of my files. Hoping to finish up the few things left in my current models by next week so you can all start working on things :) ShaunHolt seems interested in jumping on helping finish/improve my designs as well so Im glad I am handing it off ;) 

Thats what i had originally planned on doing for both the lips and the toungue. There technically is no "new" neck mech, rather a new neck stand that can oscillate (head bobbing). I was using the Drupp neck, found on thingiverse, to accurately move the head. It has a circular gap through the center to run wires through, but it is not strong enough to hold the new massive weight of the head. That is another reason I got stuck on the design. There isnt enought room for large actuators either, but Ray Edgely, a user here on mrl that Ive talked with for a while now, just came up with the idea of using fishing line as the actuators. Not sure at the moment if he has gotten that design working yet, but i talk with him everyday, so ill let you know once i talk to him. 


4 years 9 months ago

In reply to by XIBRO7247

Hey Xibro. Got a chance to talk with Ray. He has gotten a prototype of the new design (by making holes in the original neck, and using the head stand) to control the movement of the head. I got a little confused thinking he was making neck movements instead, so I am considering adding neck movements to our list of improvements to the designs.  Here is a video of his initial tests on one axis for head movement https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=520&v=WZbjVEYbzxg&feature=emb_title

Is there any way I could see the mouth files, and  the neck files privatley, including the assembies, so i can calculate the routing, and is there room for stepper motors, like a 28BYJ-48 with a gear box, so that  the cable can be tightened and loosened as needed


4 years 9 months ago

In reply to by XIBRO7247

That's gonna have to wait. I don't want to give anyone my files until I post them on GitHub, and I have no time to do that this week. Like I said before, it should be much longer (week or two) before I can do that


4 years 9 months ago

Hi everybody! Just had a chance to finish up some final touches on the top skull of the advanced head so I have uploaded it to my github and am linking it here. I will make a thingiverse page for it soon, but I want to upload some more files before I do that. Still much to update including the build of materials, but I do want to get the models out quicker to allow you to start printing :) 



4 years 9 months ago

Hi all. I've been working hard on the models and I am glad to say that most of the models have been finished and uploaded to Github. I still have some work on the bottom skull, ears, and eyebrow mech, so those will be coming in the next few days.  When I have finished my edits, Ill try and make an assembly video if possible, but I am not sure I have time or enough filament to get it all printed out for assembly instructions.  At the very least, I wanted you to be able to print the models out in the meantime. 
