Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

Hello Guys,

I am posting for somebody that has an issue uploading the MRLComm.ino to his Mega Arduino.

He seems to encounter the same pb on a Mac and A PC. Any suggestions when looking the error log?

I can't think of a solution.

Here is the link to our conversation:

Hi this is a really quick picture of the progress I'm having. (not checked in yet)
But here I have an example of 2 MRL processes connected together, and the webgui UI showing the interleave of services.

Does anyone know if it is possible to select colors for the tabs in MRL.  I would like to group limbs of the InMoov visually.  My eye sight isnt like it used to be ;)


Mounted the DIgital Switches permanently with epoxy resin so no turing back now.

The Top Joystick is also operational, the blue carriage can be rotated so the user can adjust for optimal comfort.

ToDo List :-

(1) Top "D-Pad"  (awaiting tactile switches)

(2) Four Game buttons (aka Square/Circle/Triangle/Cross using conductive switches)