Hello, I'm from France, I have a problem, my arduino card is not recognized by myrobotlab? The card was recognized one time and I put the
Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !
# start the service oculusRift = runtime.start("oculusRift","OculusRift") leftEyeURL = "" rightEyeURL = "" oculusRift.setLeftEyeURL(leftEyeURL) oculusRift.setRightEyeURL(rightEyeURL) oculusRift.leftCameraAngle = 0 oculusRift.leftCameraDy = 5 rift.rightCameraDy = -5 #// call this once you've updated the affine stuff? oculusRift.updateAffine() oculusRift.initContext() oculusRift.logOrientation() # TODO: fix this script up.
!!org.myrobotlab.service.config.OculusRiftConfig leftOpenCV: autoStart: true name: leftOpenCV type: OpenCV listeners: null peers: leftOpenCV: autoStart: true name: oculusrift.leftOpenCV type: OpenCV rightOpenCV: autoStart: true name: oculusrift.rightOpenCV type: OpenCV rightOpenCV: autoStart: true name: rightOpenCV type: OpenCV type: OculusRift
This page (will) describe the OculusRift service to get head tracking information and to attach to a stereo camera system .
I have just received a Pi NOIR (Raspberry flavored) from the UK firm www.farnell.co.uk
Above is a picture taken using a 3Watt Infra Red LED in pitch darkness.
Only for people, who don't know it: I think we need an Robot of the fourth gernation.
In the software-area of programming languages, existing different gernations of programming languages:
1. generation: machine languge
2. generation: Assembler
3. generation: a higher programming languiage like C/C++, Java, etc.
And I think, something like that existing for robots, too. I don't know if anybody have written it down, so I do it now here. The generrations of robots:
A programm for an easier creation of Inmoov-Gestures! - UPDATED 30.08.2014
Cause this is the first post I am writing here, altough I am a member here for nearly 5 months and visit the site for 3/4 - 1 year, I want to use this to short introduce myself.
Quick peek at some of the new UltrasonicSensor Service stuff ..
Use 1.0.31+
MRLComm.ino version is 15 (I think) - so you'll probably have to reload it.