Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

I am using the InMoov2.minimal python script and I can get it to run and recognize my voice about half the time.

My question is, the script says:

Here's what I am trying to do. I have a "PowerUp" script, where on power up,  InMoov looks around the room, with the camera on. I want to have it automatically  record the images  (video) of what it sees.

Any suggestions on how to accomplish this?


InMoov Rob Saying thanks to all the people that made it possible for him to participate in the Chicago Southside Mini Maker Faire this past weekend we all had a great time and met a lot of nice people.

It's great that people from all over the world are building InMoov. But it is always speaking english (which is good for me because I speak english), here's a way to have it speak what ever language you want.

I have a few scripts where it introduces it's self in different languages, for example;

Javadoc link

PID2 is exactly like the PID service except it support many (N) number of seperately running pid cacluations. All the methods are exactly the same as PID but on each a "key" is used in the first parameter to identify which pid cacluation is being utilized.

For example :

Tracking with x and y with a single PID2 service would be like this:

pid = Runtime.start("pid","PID2")
pid.setPID("x", 5.0, 5.0, 0.1)
pid.setPID("y", 15.0, 10.0, 0.1)

Javadoc link

It should now be easier to make new gestures and show them in videos, or am I wrong at this point?

Keep the power cord handy, altough normally with good min max settings shouldn't get something wrong, but I don't want to be responsible for broken servos! ; )


By the way: I love critics, improvements and notes!



In Python we get to call Java Service methods directly (Yay!) ...

But the going the other way, when a Java service wan'ts to call a Python method - the method was always a bit convoluted.

First there was only the "input()" method..
and all Java could only call this one method on a Python script :(

def input():

Then this was enhanced so that at least the method name could be something besides "input", but the parameters were a challenge to get with convoluted array structure.  E.g.