
Cool ideas of things to add

I would like my inmoov to never have to be touched by a human. I am trying to come up with a way to incorporate the body language we all put out to be interpolated  and respond to via actuation. So if i walk in the room with my head down and my voice is slower or sad, he would ask "what's wrong"? he should also be able to build on these experiences and log them for future development. basically he would need to write his own code. 

Only for people, who don't know it: I think we need an Robot of the fourth gernation.
In the software-area of programming languages, existing different gernations of programming languages:

1. generation: machine languge

2. generation: Assembler

3. generation: a higher programming languiage like C/C++, Java, etc.


And I think, something like that existing for robots, too. I don't know if anybody have written it down, so I do it now here. The generrations of robots:

Just making a post for those that aren't on the shout box.  We now have a skype group for collaborating and discussing MRL/InMoov and other related topics.



Add me on skype and in the message box, just say MRL:<username here> so that I know who you are.  my skype is 'samuel.presgraves'




Hey Grog, I've been away on work and havent had a lot of time to finish printing my robot, but I had a really cool idea today.  I have been planning on giving legion(my inmoov) a 256GB SSD, to accompany the computer I'm using.  I know as of today, the MRL suite is only about 400MB, but I was curious if you know of a way to get MRL "learning".  I was thinking of starting with something like a CSV or tab separated chart that listed things like name, alias, birthday, favorite food, common interest, hobbies, etc.

Hi Gael, I saw that the bearing balls you used in the waist are those yellow BB pellets used for softair. I play softair and as far as I know the yellow BB pellets are used for manually activated spring guns which have low power, thus they are the lightest amongst all (0.12 grams)
Those yellow BB pellets are the most fragile in the sense that they get very easily cracked or ovalized, even with just one shot (in fact you never have to re-use them, or your softair gun will crack).

Hi, I don't know if you ever addresed this problem but as long as Gael is now working on the legs (yes Gael, I do agree with the rest of the community, Inmoov must have legs, no wheels please) it will soon appear the "need of power" problem.
Self balancing on the legs will introduce power drainage problems and unless you want to have your Inmoov running on lead batteries for only 3 minutes before they get drained by the many servos or to keep it hooked on a power cable, an alternative solution must be found.

By chatting in the shoutbox, it came out the problem of the mic picking up too much noise from the servos. In order to try to reduce or eliminate the problem my suggestion (which I will try by myself as soon as my robot head will be finished) is:
1) abandon cardiod-shaped diagram microphones (those which you are using at 99% of chances) adopting monodirectional, shotgun-shaped diagram microphones.

here is a java file calls some pointcloudish processing code that I can runs in eclipse.

the frame rate is appaling but it would be interesting (to me at least) if you could make it run in MRL.

regardless its and example of how the original simple was used which may help you

the java build path will need to point at c:/path to processing/core/all things windowsy

I figure it would be good to move this out of the shout box and into the forum so it's saved for posterity.

Quick summary of what's been discussed so far on the shout box. It would be great to have some way to configure parameters of a particular instance of a service. For example, com port, pin assignments, min, max and rest positions. Some configuration can already be done in the .myrobotlab file but we need to find the documentation on that.

Alessandruino, this is for you. I noticed in the shoutbox that you were questioning how to properly power a Pi for robotics. 

So I've been working on the same thing and hope this info might give you a lot of help. 


Bill of materials:

- 2 or 3 cell Lipo Battery 3000mAh or above (I've been using a 5000mAh)

-USB Hub (I use one with a 5V 2A input)

-USB Micro cable (cheap cheap cheaper the better)