
Getting started with myrobotlab - Having problems? Ask the nice people here.

Is it possible to pass through a conversation via MRL to Inmoov. Basically I would like to wear a headset and talk freely and the sound come out of the INmoov speaker and the mouth move accordingly.  Rather than pre-record a conversation. This way I can be innteractive with a group of people etc.

Good day


Can some please assist me, i am trying to create a new chat bot in ProgramAB.

When i tipe the name of the bot which is in the folder together with the test aiml file it

says error core not loaded.

i followed a tutorial by Kevin Walters posted on youtube a few years back and

i presume alot have changed since then.


Does anyone know if it is possible to select colors for the tabs in MRL.  I would like to group limbs of the InMoov visually.  My eye sight isnt like it used to be ;)


Hi Guys !! 

I have just started with Inmoov. I am facing issue while installing MRL in Linux. While initializing all components for first time Bot says "Alert ! Virtual inmoov cannot start, missing j. m. 3. folder or , you do not have a java 64 bit version." . I checked my java version which is provided below.

java version "1.8.0_181"

Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_181-b13)

Question.  Whats the best way to isolate and work on any error that visually gets indicated by red on the neopixel and vocally conveyed by INmoov ?  Is there a better way than trying to comb through the main log file ?  plus hard to decifer it. Hopefully its something I can get familar with.  

Hello, Does anyone know how to control the blink speed when the Inmovv robot is sitting still. It looks like the robot is passed random eye blinks but I notice there is random veocity numbers. I would like to hold it at max speed "-1". Is there a defualt I can modify or a script ?  Can someone help point me to the correct file ?  thanks ;)

Is there a way to increase the default resolution the face detection is using ? I always seem to get a small default and cant find the location to make it higher.  thanks