
Getting started with myrobotlab - Having problems? Ask the nice people here.


I have just started to try to use MyRobotLab/Inmoov for the first time.  I am using a MacBook Air running macOS Mohave 10.14.2.  I have recently downloaded an up-to-date version of Java and have Chrome as my default browser.

I can start MyRobotLab by double clicking on myrobotlab.jar and it seems to open fine - I have installed all the runtime services.

However, when I run the shell I get a number of errors before java crashes.  The first of which is that when a Chrome window tries to open with the address:

Hi I use myrorobotlab (1.0.2693.7) on mac MOJAVE OS and inmoov virtual mode dont work (full, Right, Left are ok), i and i have an error "Runtime a quitté de manière imprévue ... J'ai installé la mise à jour MAC OS 10.14 depuis quelques jours seulement. Faut-il réinstaller Myrobotlab ? Merci d'avance pour votre aide Giloris

Hello everyone!
my name is sam, I build a robot inmoov, I integrated a camera in the eye.
I have a problem with open cv that crash my pc (blue screen and restart),
the camera is a 600 tvl with a USB capture video key, with the program comes with the key it works but with MRL it crashes,

Is it necessary for mrl to be in usb3? (I think I plugged it into usb 2 to make it work).
Does it use a direct x or something to update?

Thank you

Hey everyone just thought I would give everyone an update on my attention system.  As I have been working on this I have had to climb one hill after another but Iam making progress I have made to camera grabbers one that does a standard cart type image the other does a logpolar type image the logapolar help me to overcome some identification issues and vergence on the eyes it allows me to give it more normal eye movements color segmentation, color processing, face detector, blob detector, hand detector, optical flow, and face tracker are done.  I still have quite a bit of work to

Hi all, my build continues.

I have now reached a usable stage and am using the robot for my political campaign here in Australia.

However I have a couple of questions you may be able to help me with.

1. I can't work out how to add a new gesture file.

I can create one by modifying an existing gesture but can't make it be recognised by mrl so I have been just modifying the "about" gesture and using that.

2. Can I easily restart MRL to have the modified file take effect without restarting the whole robot?

hello ,,,,i would like to know how to adjust the potentiometer to 90 that the 0 ( off ) position is at the center of the pots course

Hi folks

found these instructions to add feedback from a standard servo.

wanted to know whether anybody has already given it a try and wouldn't it be nice to actually get a feedback where the servo is and not simply have to assume that the servo moved as requested?

would need extension of the servo service to allow for specifying feedback and do the math?

and the greatest thing is that it only requires a bit of hacking with zero costs?


It's alive and moving, but needs some debugging.
Doesn't show up in Service GUI yet and when called from a script it tries to download the DruppNeck service (Download popup).
If i do a manual, and the neck points straight forward and is level, but if i do a neck.moveTo(0, 0, 0) it will move a bit to the left and "Roll" a small bit to the same side.