Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

May 2014 update: Nowadays I perfected the printer settings and upgraded to latest Marlin firmware. I also began to use blue painter's tape which helps in sticking of the first layer better. I added a USB led light for night printing. While test printing I happened to own many miniature garden ornaments...


I now have MRL successfully running on a BBB ;-)

I have used python to test the Adafruit  BBB Python modules (linux shared objects .so) for GPIO and successfully switch LEDs on and off . (note need to run as root or sudo due to permissions under default ubuntu user.

>>> import Adafruit_BBIO.GPIO as GPIO

>>> GPIO.setup("P8_14", GPIO.OUT)

>>> GPIO.output("P8_14", GPIO.HIGH)

Hi all,


Im kinda new here but im building the inmoov.

im trying to get the voice commands to work with inmoov.

i copy and paste the script from the site but he doesnt "hear" me i think.

when move the servo's manually thats no problem.

When i use the example robotlab script for pin 13 to turn him on or off.

That works perfect to my voice commands.

but when i use the inmoov script noting happens.

maybe someone can help me please? 


thank you all

gr Leon.

Open any Linux executable binary up in a text editor - and the little guys have written ELF at the beginning of EVERY FILE !!!  (They started the rumor that this means "Executable and Linking Format" .. but we know better !

Thanks for the pointer GroG. I'm going to need all the asists I can get :-)

So here's the second tryat getting a photo up here:


Hi All,

I installed the latest Java and dowloaded and unzipped the latest MyRoboLab. I am running this on a Windows 7 - 64bit machine. When I ry to execute either webgui.bat or myrobotlab.bat I get the following message.

Could not find the main class: org.myrobotlab.servie.Runtime

I think that I am missing a fundamental startup step but I don't know what it is. Is there a step by step to get started.

