Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

What more meaningful gift could you get than a coupon of Servos !
Alessandruino's girl friend has given him that for their 6 year anniversary !

Alessandruino is very lucky to have a woman who cares so much !  

This has taken about one month of constant printing, even some all nighters.




Having your printer properly calibrated makes printing Inmoov so much more fun.

This leadscrew required no cleanup post print. I like it!!!

1 of the two robots I designed. 37 feet stem to stern with remote crab drive.



Rob is finally standing on his own 5 wheels now. Its amazing what one can do with an old corner lamp and office chair. Hope to get servos in the head tomorrow.

Hi GroG,

Have you implemented Kinect into InMoov or is that a forword looking project? If so, what do you have it doing? Is the new kinect one usable or not open sourced yet? What do you hope or plan for kinect to do?


Does InMoov MRL make use of two cameras in eye sockets or just one? 


Is there a reason to have both kinect and cameras?


Sould I learn Py?





Im having a little problem with MRL on a Hardkernel odroid U2 running Linaro ubuntu- In MRL I cant get it to connect to the arduino that is in Tools>serial no port is seen. Here's my steps:

I have uploaded MRLComm.ino onto the Arduino Diecimilia with the arduino IDE- The IDE sees and connects OK to the arduino

I have tested the MRL connection with a different computer- linux mint and the MRL arduino >serial>port is seen ok (/dev/ttyUSB) and everything works as it should


So, almost two years ago, I put down $400 for an "under development" 3d printer that was supposed to ship in 2 months or so.  Almost two years later I finally have it.  For my money, ultimately I got the printer, and 6kg of 1.75mm ABS plastic.  It seemed like a good idea at the time and I think it still is.