Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

Guys could someone help me to make facetracking work?

i have everything working camera, opencv and servos, but im not beeing able to run a script to start it!! 


I have tried the gael script but keep asking for more arguments this is the code

Hello, again. I would like to retrieve data from pytnon to aiml Is there such a possibility? For example, I want to use the <set var = (a python)>. whether it is possible in some way? I've tried with setPredicates, getPredicates <set name = "xx"> a python </ set> but it did not work. Please help.

Message Definition

Message Direction Method Name Parameters
<  from Arduino to PC
>  from PC to Arduino
This will be the fuinction name called

I have modified cabling for my self leveling hand to be controlled through the right arm arduino.

Calamity has shown me a way of setting up an interrupt by the used BNO055 to trigger my control code for bending/rotation of the wrist when orientation has changed over thresholds.

Currently my hand however has no provision for another signal cable (ISR) and I wanted to control it by cyclic calls to my controlling python script.

Hardware can be a pain sometimes. There's all those wires, and solder, and burnt circuits.  Wouldn't it be great if we had Arduinos in the Matrix ?

There's been a buzz flying about making one. 

I am trying to get the neopixel sevice to work. I am using Gael's script and uncomenting his neopixel code.

#neopixel = Runtime.createAndStart("neopixel","Serial")

#neopixel.connect("COM3", 57600, 8, 1, 0)