It's great that people from all over the world are building InMoov. But it is always speaking english (which is good for me because I speak english), here's a way to have it speak what ever language you want.
I have a few scripts where it introduces it's self in different languages, for example;
def speakfrench():
i01.mouth.speak("bonjour je suis la InMoov robot")
Set the language to what you want it to be, in this case French - use Google's language identifier ("fr");
Type in what you want it say, in that language. I use Google Translate to get the spelling.
Then set it back to English ("en")
Have fun!
I really like when you post
I really like when you post information you've discovered bhouston !
Just so you know you only have to do this :
problem with swedish
I tried to get the speech swedish to work a while ago bet the letters å ä ö is making problems.
have you got any ideas how to fix it bhouston
Can you change the language
Can you change the language of your computer ?
I have this script;
the problem is that it should
the problem is that it should be spelled är not ear.
In swedish we have the extra letters å, ä and ö
Changing the gender of the voice
Does anyone know an easy way to change the voice from male to female and back again in a script?
Hmm.. no .. its not possible
Hmm.. no .. its not possible at the moment, BUT its a good idea...
If the URLS had names associated with them .. then we could do something like
Then further in the script you could :
speech.set("male") # and all subsequent utterances are male
speech.speakBlocking("I'm a dood")
speech.set("female") # and all subsequent utterances are female
speech.speakBlocking("now I'm a lady")
In your
In your example;
whats the rest of the http:// google ......
so I can give it a try
this is in Gaels
this is in Gaels script
Heh, I was proposing to have
I was proposing to have "named" URLs - so that in the code they soundfiles (male/female/en_gb/... etc) could be switched dynamically in a script..
It has not been implemented yet.. someone still has to actually make it work ;)
Heh, now I'm starting to
Heh, now I'm starting to understand you ..
Markus you want to spell Swedish words and have it speak Swedish, ignorant as I am I assumed you wanted to spell English but say Swedish...
Ok, If we are using google as a service for Speech (which everyone is at the moment) - then the words are only as good as what Google speaks them.
There is ALSO a problem in that the Python text editor probably only supports ASCII characters (which is English - not many special characters) - this could be changed, but its not worth it if Google can't say the Swedish word correctly.
Markus - have you tried Google's (speaker) speech or translate for Swedish? I thought it was getting the characters correctly, but the pronuciation is bad. Is that correct ?
Maybe try some creative
Maybe try some creative spelling like: (german)
ä -> ae
ö -> oe
ü -> ue
ß -> ss
That helped me for German ...
i try to be creative but it
i try to be creative but it dont sound good.
google translate has no problem with Swedish
i think python sends it wrong to google because it don't understand å ä ö
OK ! .. then there is hope if
OK ! .. then there is hope if google translates makes decent Swedish. Is problem#1 then, the place where you edit & run the script do not accept the correct characters?
Or does it, and you feel they are not being relayed to google?