Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

hello like i haven't a 3d printer i build all in cardboard lol

i am the king of cardboard

thank you kwinne for your help

I made a few test with the my updated script because Grog has implemented all the gestures into the new service and I discovered something odd.

The same gestures with exact same positions on the script don't give the same result depending on the version that calls them.

For exemple this is "rest" default position with the version 1695 (InMoov1.0). You can see "rotate" servo is facing the camera and the position on the slider is 90:

I think this servo was bad before I removed the potentiometer, but I never tested it first and so a fix was the only option since a warrenty repair was out of the queston. The problem was one of the brushes was not makeing contact with the power stud. I reinserted it makeing sure I had connection with my meter. Then added a drop of expoxy to hold it in place, now the servo works great. The real test will be life span.



i can make mrl speak swedish with 


or in inmoov


the problem is the letters å ä ö 

it becomes like this in the google - sv - audrey  folder




is it some settings in my computer or is it mrl



ok i did 4 video's, I am uploading them to yotube. the first two were complete failures then the 3rd one connected and ran tree servo's, 4th one is when i tryed to add 4th but i did it after releasing others so maybe that make it go waky?? BIG FAILS


OK Grog, lets do this! ; )

You sayeth and it is so [[]]