Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

Dear friends.

On behalf of me and my Angela, we wish you all the best for the christmas, enjoy beeing with your loved ones and be there for them in these hard times.
Also we wish you all a great, safe and loving 2016.

And may we all find what we seek, learn what we need and share what we know.

From Hengelo the Netherlands, season greetings and lets make 2016 a year we let the world know MRL and its family is maybe not the best, but the honest and the bestfor those who need our help.

Sorry I don't want to feel stupid I got Speech recognition and text to speech working with Program AB but after I ask a question I don't think is in her brain she responds with NULL Response and then won't stop till I restart everything.  If anyone can help me I would be extremely thankful

tring to compile my robot lab in eclipse and Iam not getting all the services-Iam tring to use speech rec and programAB with marySpeech or freetts.  Needless to say with no forward progress new to java.  I tried ant and keeping getting an error about not finding git even though i installed it

Hi guys, I wanted to expand the "show me an image" from ProgrammAB. As far as i am right now it opens the image in a new Browser Tab with Barebonesbrowser. (In the forum a few days earlier)
My plan is to open it in a way where i could manipulate it, for example resize or fullsize it. The question is which is the way to go, as there are different approaches possible.

Approaches I know about:
-Browser (maybe with the new WebGui?)


Hello everybody !

As you've seen, i was away since few times ( health problem again ...) . Now, i 'm trying to wake up my robot,

and, he can't speak . I've seen that now i must use marryTTS, but it seem needed to use webgui. The problem is i can't install the webgui . My old laptop died and i install all in a new one . Eclipse is up to date with git . here is the message i get in eclipe console while trying to download webgui

Working on a new AIML file to get a memory for the robot. Using the topic and the learn-tag and he remembers what we have been talking about yesterday or whenever ago.

Here is the first test:




We now have lines speed on the serial port.  It will appear and publish the line from a pre-defined sample interval.  The publishing point is Service.publishStats .. the reason I put it in Service is "all" services could potentially use it to measure the speed of MRL's messaging system.  You can only optimize something you can see !   Lots more fixes to do..

A friend from work helped get the Prusa I2 further along .. Yay !
I guess I'm missing an aluminum mounting plate for the head .. but I should be able to connect the electronics when I get back from my vacation trip...

Hi all! 

I am having issues getting ANY cam to work with openCV. I have tried several cams including a MS lifecam HD-3000.

I have attached a picture of the error I get immediatly after starting openCV.  All Cams work fine in other programs. 

NullPointerException null

I also sent a no worky

Thanks for the help!