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This example reads the upper left corner of the screen:
AWTRobot awt = (AWTRobot) Runtime.createAndStart("awt", "AWTRobot");
awt.setBounds(0, 0, 100, 100); 
TesseractOCR tess = (TesseractOCR) Runtime.createAndStart("tess",
tess.subscribe("publishDisplay", awt.getName(), "OCR");

TesseractOCR will use optical character recognition on an image to read English words.

Currently limited to Linux 32/64 bit, and Windows 32 bit. It is possible to run on Windows 64 bit by download ing the Java 32 bit JRE, and then starting MRL in 32 bit Java.

There is currently one method to use,
public String OCR(SerializableImage image)
pass TesseractOCR an image, and it returns a String of text.


11 years 8 months ago

wow...that's great  Raver!!! I don't know how to start MRL in 32 i just tried first two rows of your script...AWT works great !!!! i can see my left corner... :D


11 years 5 months ago

I have not use TesseractOCR. Is it free of cost ? Can I use it in window 7?. I recently use online services to convert document and it was very easy to do that. is a free online OCR service that allows you to convert PDF to Text, JPEG to Text and scanned images into editable documents. Simply upload your file and our server side program will process your file for any editable text and will send the results back to you, which you can either download the processed text in for of word document or copy & past online.

online document conversion

TesseractOCR is free of cost and can be used on windows 7 and your comment looks very dangerously like spam.  What if any interest do you have with Robots or Creative Machine Control ?

You have 1 hour to reply or I will blast you and your suspected spam into the bit bucket !

Thanks for telling  me about TesseractOCR. I don't know about creative Machine control


11 years 5 months ago

In reply to by Conversion


You don't know about robots or machine control but you posted a link to a site which does OCR - the way the group of people here would interact with your site would possibly be with autonomous programs which uploaded files and downloaded text from your site without humans looking at your ads,  is that what you want? Or do you care ?