I am an engineer by trade and as of late I have become a bit overwhelmed on the MRL site. Technology is starting to overtake me. Many of you are lite years ahead of me in the latest technoglogy all I ask is please keep up on the documentation which allows me to get up to speed at my own pace, I do have to maintain my real world job in coalition with my InMoov addiction which I am fully embedded in. I just dont want to get left completely behind. InMoov Rob and his dad needs all the information that this great community has to offer and I dont want to miss any of it. It's just so much happens day to day with my work work job and life in general I don't want to fall behind.
Keep it coming folks I love the tech just don't evolve too quickly and leave us laymen behind.
Ehi dwilli :) just tell me
Ehi dwilli :) just tell me what you need as documentation... I m here for you ;)
And hey, don t worry :) i m
And hey, don t worry :) i m behind of you with InMoov... I still have to complete it ;) just send a bat-signal and i LL come to help my friend
Dwilly, dont worry, im just
Dwilly, dont worry, im just like you, and it seems a bit much. But reality is that there are some other projects going at the same time. like the pingdar and so on.
Im at the same level as you are, and still working to learn python, and i just go my own pace. I try to do what i think i want, wrote down what i want my inmoov to do, and when i have questions, Grog, Ale and al others help us in any way they can. What i do agree is that the documentation is falling behind on what we have and that makes it a bit confusing.
Maybe we should make tutorials with the stuff we know, put them in a section tutorials, and then it is a bit easier to follow.
There has been written tons of tuts already, if only we could place them in a section of its own and maybe rewrite some stuff with pictures and video's.....
But i guess our elves have to decide if that could be done.
And dwilly, dont worry, as our own Yoda Grog said, one for all and all for one
No worry, I feel exactly the
No worry, I feel exactly the same. In fact everytime my InMoov doesn't work correctly at start, I always feel like something might have been change within the service without my knowledge.
But you are correct the best way is to keep tutos and posts updated because the shoutbox conversations just vanish on the infinite web.
I feel exactly the same. In
Heh, yah I borked it again :)
Dwilli ! I have been
Sorry only water and tea for
Sorry only water and tea for me, i dont do food... But hey, im IN!! sitting besides the fire, inmoov playing his guitar, other inmoovs bbqing our food, rod stuart inmoov singing songs, markus his inmoov is grumpy and sitting in a corner saying that he heard him.
One system to rule them all, and all robots go for 1 system.
Can you feel the Force? well? Can you??