Dom wants to use A6 & A7 on the Nano
I'm about to add the 2 pins in the Arduino service pin definition for the Nano .. but what are the "real" addresses of these pins ?
They are not listed on any documentation .. I found this excellent description regarding these mysterious and silly pins on the Arduino forums..
Analog pins A0~A5 are normal pins. You can refer to them as pins 14-19 as well, and they can be used normally as digital pins.
Analog pins A6 and A7 are weird. They can *only* be used for analogRead() - there aren't any registers to write to for them like there are for other pins. I get the impression they were an afterthought (maybe the DIP package was released first, then they're like "hey we have some extra pins on TQFP32, let's connect them to the unused channels on the ADC mux")...
Heh ... I like the "Sigh...." :)
Anyhow, if someone can tell me the "real" addresses of these pins I can add 2 analog pins to the Nano. I suspect it would be hacking through the Arduino MACRO definitions in the boards.txt/Wire.h etc...
Thank you Grog. If i check
Thank you Grog.
If i check arduino documentation, i found this
So, analogRead(pin) with pin 0 to 7 for nano. (0 to 5 for uno).
did it work ?
did it work ?
Hi, yes it is works. I add
Hi, yes it is works.
I add this code for test in mrlcomm.ino
I needed that info