If you haven't already I suggest reading the Installing MRL on a Raspberry Pi3 for NOOB's
This tutorial is a continuation of that tutorial and assumes the raspberry Pi 3 is configured 
the same way as described in the above listed tutorial.
Once you have a Raspberry Pi 3 (RPi3) installed in your robot, you won't want to keep connecting a 
screen, keyboard and mouse to it, the best solution is to use remote access.
There are many ways to access the Raspberry pi remotely.
Most people will want a Graphical User Interface (GUI) of some sort
The method you use will depend on the Operating System (OS) that you use, for this we will 
break this tutorial into section for different systems.
In all cases you will need to know the IP Address of your Raspberry Pi
Linux Debian.
While I have tested the following on Debian, it should work for Ubuntu and potentially Mac OS as well.
Start a terminal session also know as a Command Line Interface (CLI)
Type the following command:
ssh -X -l pi [IP Address of RPi3]
You will be asked for the password you set up on the RPi3
Once entered, you will be logged in and the title bar of the terminal window will show the name of the Raspberry Pi.
The magic in this setup is everything is already installed. 
The ssh command connect you to a terminal session on the RPi3.
The -X switch tells the ssh to allow the return X window to open (this is the GUI)
The -l switch lets you specify the username for the RPi3
To run the My Robot Lab (MRL) type the following
cd ~/mrl
java -jar myrobotlab.jar
You will see a lot of text scroll past as MRL starts up, if all goes well a new window will appear with the MRL SwingGUI
There are a number of methods to access the RPi3 from Windows here I will describe two of the methods but others exist.
The first and easiest is to use Windows Remote Desktop Client.
When we installed the Debian OS, one of the things we installed was xrdp.
This is the Xserver Remote Desktop Process.
In windows 7, click on the start button and all programs->Accessories->Remote Desktop Connection
Enter the RPi3 IP address and click on the Connect button.
On the window that opens up type pi in the username and in the password the password you set on the RPi3 and press enter
You now have a remote desktop session with the Raspberry Pi 3.
The down side of this method is you cannot cut and paste from windows into the RPi3 session.
The other method is to use Putty SSH client and Xming server.
First you will need to download both of these
Putty once downloaded will run as is, Xming will need to be installed.
Once you have installed Xming, run it first.
Select multiple windows which is the default option.
Once it is running, it just runs in background.
Don't forget to restart it after a reboot
Next run putty.exe
enter the IP address of your RPi3
then from the right hand menu select Connection->SSH->X11 and tick the box Enable X11 forwarding
Click on open
You will be asked for your login
Enter pi
next enter the password you set for your RPi3
When you run a program that has a GUI component a new GUI window will open on the windows computer with a large X symbol on the task bar.
What Next?
Well that's easy,
Have fun playing with your raspberry Pi 3