So we've all seen problems with robots moving their motors around with no idea where they actually are and whether or not they're getting into trouble or even doing the right thing.

While browsing around I found this post on the Adafruit site for a robot arm project that uses servos with their pots tapped to provide analog feedback to the arduino.  The bonus in this project is that you can position the arm and the arduino can record and then later play back the positions while also being able to know it's actually moving to where it is supposed to be.

Humans have a 6th sense that we don't even commonly know about called proprioception. It's the ability to sense the position of your limbs without actually seeing where they are.  Our robots need this sense too and we should discuss how to do it and then borg it into MRL.  No one solution is best and we should develop more than one because not all may be appropriate to a given use case.  Cheap vs Expensive. Quick but sloppy vs Slow but precise.

And .... GO!


10 years ago

Kmc, i totally agree!

We need to know where the arm, neck or whatever is, so it wont go beyond breaking and it would make setting up gestures easier but most of all it could save expensive hardware.

If possible without the twitching and other 'noise' it could be an easy solution for an extensive problem.

we also could use something like Adolph made with a slotted disc and opto electronics.

anyway i am happy so see where this gets us in making a better faster stronger inmoov!


Holy crap, ive seen the video, and in my opinion, this is the way to go, no more smelly inmoov, and i dont think the record can be made like the video, but i like how simple but effective it is!


That is what i am tri-ing the hole time with the planetary gears. You can moove the arm without breaking the gears and same story , you can actualy record moovments steps you make the arm go. But my problem is i couldt find strong enouth practical way of the motor to lift the arm. Al my ways was not strong enouth to lift arm..

Very nice arm and very nice way of working


Great job


10 years ago

Great find ..

Speaking of failing memory .. I remembered this before eons ago (or at least 3 years ago) by OddBot on LMR - 

Feedback is soooo important and no one's Arduino analog inputs are even being used !!!

I bet Gael would love to use this !

MRL could interpolate between key-frames and make nice smooth gestures from a bunch of Vogue shots :)