We have developed an Android App for the chess board which uses Open Source Droid Fish as back-end.

We are able to exchange moves with the chess board via bluetooth but are unable to replace the DroidFish activity with our own Activity.
Could anyone here with android programming knowledge please help us with this.
(This is the display which we want to replace with our own content)
(App Menu for Chess Automated)
To set up Droidfish in Eclipse, follow the steps at:
After that is done, please see if you can find a way to replace the view of the activity Droidfish so that we can display our own content instead while executing Droidfish in the background without interrupting its functionality.

Thanks :)


9 years 8 months ago

Did you get past this?  I notice the Android API is pretty clear on how to replace Activities .. but I assume Droidfish is not working this way?  


8 years ago

Well, app development is not as easy as it sounds to be, because I have been doing it for the past six months, and sometimes I still get struck in the midway while creating fully customised apps, as per the demand of the customers. Most of the times, I get unique ideas to overcome the issues through java-tips.org, and boosts my moral in a simple way.