Just a Quick "Periscopes Up" for anyone looking for a Free Logic Simulator - Quick bash up above as taster.

GitHub https://github.com/reds-heig/logisim-evolution/releases

  • chronogram -- to see the evolution of signals in your circuit
  • electronic board integration -- schematics can now be simulated on real hardware!
  • board editor -- to add new electronic boards
  • VHDL component -- a new component type whose behavior is specified in VHDL
  • TCL/TK console -- interfaces between the circuit and the user
  • DIP switches
  • RGB LEDs
  • GUI improvements
  • code refactoring

Next step is to experiment with the Verilog code that it is claimed to output... and port it to my Deo-Nano FPGA board.

Holy-Moly :- That was a fall off the back of a chair moment...

Altera Deo-Nano Cyclone iV FPGA Development board    ToolChain

Install :- Quartus II Software inc. the Deo-Nano USB driver

Point the Logisim Altera/Intel Quartus toolpath under the Preferences tab to the install directory (in my case C:\altera\13.0\quartus\bin\) so the compiler can be shanghaied.

Fire up Logisim and make your Circuit.....

Set up the Deo-Nano environment via its neat FPGA Editor :-

It will then pop up a board overlay... presenting your I/O pins .

Where you can fine tune the configuration (I made no changes).

Then Synthesize :-

Any unmapped I/o's need to be mapped simply by selecting and pressing the neat board overlay on the LED/IO your require..

Execute and Download direct to the Board .....

Virtual Logic becomes Actual Logic ....