Since I recently restarted the build, I will leave the sock picture :P but will post my new build, which is made with denser parts and merged parts.

Here is the zip of the merged files for those that want to partake:


So I started over on the prints, loving the quality now. .8mm shell, 50% infill.  It's much sturdier, and I combined parts prior to printing, here's the chest plate, now 3 pieces instead of 7.



10 years 3 months ago

Thanks for posting the merged files. I downloaded and tested the size and they'll easily fit in a standard 200x200 print bed. If I ever have to reprint my torso, I'll be using these merged versions.


10 years 3 months ago

I'll post a picture soon, but I have updated the zip to v2, this is the end of torso merges, I'll see if there is anything to merge in the head once I get to it.



10 years 3 months ago

Looking pretty darn good samuel!

and i know Gael used the puzzle size because not everybody has a big heatbed!

your ultimaker, does that have the 200x300 size bed?

When i reprint the torso or make a second one, i will for sure use these parts, looks better, cleaner and stronger.Well done!


10 years 3 months ago

Thank you, my ultimaker2 has  build size of 230 x 225 x 205 mm.  After assembling last night I realized I could have merged the inside center pieces too, oh well.

so I started working on the head and I need some hepl from someone that knows how to edit STL files.  I fould the following, which would work, except teh skull servo fix part is missing the riser to secure the top of the skull.

If anyone is willing to help me, these are the servos I plan on using in my head:

Head & Neck AX-18A Dynamixel AX-18A Smart Serial Servo (18 kg-cm)
Jaw AX-12A Dynamixel AX-12A Smart Serial Servo (16.5 kg-cm)
Eyes XL-320 Dynamixel XL-320 Robot Actuator (3.96 kg-cm)


The thingiverse file so far has only helped me with the head tilt servo positioned in the torso.  For the skull rotate I'm missing the riser mentioned, and for the jaw, I'm not sure that those dimensions will work.  For the eyes, I just need the holders resized.


If anyone can assist I would greatly appreciate it.  This will take me one step closer to getting the ACU produced.