Great display with Processing
Wow, this thing comes with a lot of sensors !
The GY-80 Inertial Measurement Unit contains the following sensors:
L3G4200D - 3axis 16bit gyro with ±250, 500, 2000°/sec ranges
ADXL345 - 3 axis 10-13bit Accelerometer with ±2g, 4g, 8g, 16g ranges
HMC5883L - 3 Axis, 12bit Magnetometer with ±0.88, 1.3, 1.9, 2.5, 4.0, 4.7, 5.6, 8.1 gauss ranges
BMP085 - 300-1100hPa Barometer (16-19bits) + Temperature (16bits)
I2C Addresses
L3G4200D - Write: 11010010 (0xD2) Read: 11010011 (0xD3)
ADXL345 -- Write: 00111010 (0x3A) Read: 00111010 (0x3B)
HMC5883L - Write: 00111100 (0x3C) Read: 00111101 (0x3D)
BMP085 ---- Write: 11101110 (0xEE) Read: 11101111 (0xEF)
- Excellent Documentation - from Astro Beano
- DX Reference
- Informational Forum
- Arduino Source Code + Schematics
- L3G4200D Datasheet
- ADXL345 Datasheet
- HMC5883L Datasheet
- BMP085 Datasheet
hello it is a good idea for
hello it is a good idea for the futur leg about inmoov
Here is how my sensor appears
Here is how my sensor appears in the i2c matrix !!!
Here is the raspi with the sensor hooked up
Here is the BARO working :
Here is the BARO working :