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Wow, this thing comes with a lot of sensors !

The GY-80 Inertial Measurement Unit contains the following sensors:

L3G4200D - 3axis 16bit gyro with ±250, 500, 2000°/sec ranges

ADXL345 - 3 axis 10-13bit Accelerometer with ±2g, 4g, 8g, 16g ranges

HMC5883L - 3 Axis, 12bit Magnetometer with ±0.88, 1.3, 1.9, 2.5, 4.0, 4.7, 5.6, 8.1 gauss ranges

BMP085 - 300-1100hPa Barometer (16-19bits) + Temperature (16bits)

I2C Addresses

L3G4200D - Write: 11010010 (0xD2) Read: 11010011 (0xD3)

ADXL345 -- Write: 00111010 (0x3A) Read: 00111010 (0x3B)

HMC5883L - Write: 00111100 (0x3C) Read: 00111101 (0x3D)

BMP085 ---- Write: 11101110 (0xEE) Read: 11101111 (0xEF)



10 years 5 months ago

Here is how my sensor appears in the i2c matrix !!!

Here is the raspi with the sensor hooked up