This is really a page to talk about how to measure the actual angle that a servo has reached, rather than the last position the servo was told to move to.  The aim is to be able to allow the servos to automatically configure their actual max/min angles.  In addition, it should allow for quicker response to the stop() method.

The stop() method stops the sweeper that is currently running for the servo.  However, this only tells it to stop the sweeper, the servo will continue to move to the last position it was told to go to.

The idea is to center tap the potentiometer and run that to an arduino pin.  Also, tap the positive voltage at the potentiometer.  (2 analog pins!)  (Why? because the supply voltage of the servo is likely going to be different than the supply voltage for the arduino boards, and we'll need to account for that in our calibration routines.)

So, the idea is the following  (Example using analog pins Vref and A0)

Vref = supply voltage of (V+ as measured at the potentiometer) of the servo  (hopefully this is lower than the supply voltage of arduino!!)

A0 = signal at the center tap of the potentiometer.

On Servo startup for calibration

  1. move to rest position ( 90 degrees) , measure V0(90) = 550
  2. move to rest position + 10 degrees , measure V0 (value between 0-1023)
  3. This is a 10 degree difference, compute the change in voltage per degree of movement. (V0(110) - V0(90))/10 = 4.3 
  4. TODO: MAX/MIN value auto compute
  5. TODO: Move servo to 0 degrees  (wait for servo to finish moving)
  6. TODO: measure V2, use calibrated scale to determine actual angle that servo is at  ( this computed angle is the servo min.   
  7. TODO: move servo to 180 degrees, and repeat step 7 to compute the max angle.

Now, in addition to this, when we call stop on the servo, we'll need to compute the current angle of the servo based on the voltage read on the A0 pin.  When stop is called, measure that voltage, and tell the servo to move to that position so it stops moving.


In my local testing, I've tried a few configuration to center tap the servo.  In all cases the servo is powered with an external power supply.  The ground of the arduino is connected to the ground of the external power supply.  For simplicity I'll refer to the potentiometer as pin 1, 2 and 3, for the plus, center, and minus ends of the potentiometer respectively.  In all tests, pin 2 was connected to A0 of the arduino.  These numbers below represent manually turning the potentiometer connected to the servo and the arduino board until the servo motor stopped turning.

Value @ 0 Degrees 90 Degrees 180 degrees Pin 1 Pin 2 Pin 3
167 554 839* Vref A0 Ground
168 554 837* Vref A0 Open
68 223 377 Open A0 Open
68 223 377 Open A0 Ground

Note: * These were not very stable values.  The motor did eventually actually stop, however it was very sentisitive to noise as the motor tended to jitter in this configuration.  Turning the angle down to about 170 degrees made it less sensitive and it was easier to make the servo stop.


It's clear from the data that the Vref pin is scaling the input.  This provides much better resolution for reading as is seen by the first two connection scenarios.  A few things to be concerned with.  

  1. The Vref must be lower than the supply voltage of the arduino. (a higher ref voltage will damage the arduino.
  2. Noise should be cleaned up (if possible from PIN2 on the pot to isolate it better from arduino noise.
  3. The real range of values is not from 0-1024, but rather from about 167 - 839.  This is interesting because the potentiometers actually rotate though 270 degrees of rotation, but the servo only responds to the center 180 degrees of it.  This gives about 3.7 steps per degree for the servo motor.  This mapping will vary from servo to servo.
  4. Variation on the servo supply voltage will properly be scaled on the A0 pin so long as the Vref pin is connected.  



Here's a video about using the analog reference voltage pin to properly scale reading of the arduino analog input pins.  It was possible to get the servo to stop, but it was very sensitive in this range to noise.



9 years 11 months ago

Indeed the Center_Tap mod works well.

On my 5 V supplied MG90S I get :-

0.605 V to 2.45V for full servo movement on the center tapping of the feedback potentiometer.

You just have to be careful that the new positional wire does not pick up "Noise" (maybe screened cable on long runs), else the Servo will get the "Jitters".

If your ADC chip has a reference voltage the you can offset this to give full range bit conversions.

ie the Arduino has an ARef pin if I recall.

A neat reason for doing the mod to your servos, particularly with a Multi Servoed robot like InMoov is during master power switch turn on ... you could scan all the Servos to get their starting positions and "Soft Reset" InMoovs posture to stop any any big twitching taking place (for example my spider robot does this and Its quite disconcerting when it almost jumps off the table when it first switches on and the servos become active from random positions.

Regards G

Hi Gareth!   I didn't even think to look to see if an analog reference pin was already on the arduino.   That's very handy.  A little reading shows that the input of that pin is limited between 0-5V, so if you're servos are powered with a greater voltage, you'll risk damanging the arduino.  Maybe having both connected will give a better scale of resolution.  The jitters , electrical noise, and loading of the circuit were some of my concerns..

We could probably design a voltage divider to scale the both the ref voltage and the center tap voltage to values acceptable, and maybe it could help isolate some of the noise...  


I was thinking about the noise problem.  I think perhaps adding a small capacitor between analog in 1 and ground in parallel will sink the noise.

The idea is the noise is going to be and analog (AC) signal.  Capacitors will act as a short circuit for a DC value.  So the AC noise should ground out where as the DC value should pass through to the A1 pin..

I'll be away a few days, but maybe when I get back I'll have some time to test it ou.

Below is a python script that will use the thread based sweeping to incrementally move the servo based on the joystick.

the direction of the joystick controls the direction of the sweep and the magnitude of the joystick push is inversely porportional to the delay for the sweep between steps.



import time
import math
leftPort = "COM15"
rightPort = "COM19"
# Start the InMoov Service
i01 = Runtime.createAndStart("i01", "InMoov")
i01.startAll(leftPort, rightPort)
# Start the Joystick service
uberjoy = Runtime.createAndStart("uberjoy", "Joystick")
# Update this to be your controller
# Attach the joystick to 
# the inmoov service servos
def AListener(value):
def XListener(value):  
def StickXListener(value):
  print "Stick X :" + str(value) + " Current pos: " + str(i01.rightArm.shoulder.pos)
  absValue = math.fabs(value)
  if (absValue < 0.175):
    print "Stop sweep"
  absValue = absValue-0.01
  print "Set Speed " + str(absValue)
  delay = int((1-absValue) * 200)
  if (value > 0.0):
    if (i01.rightArm.shoulder.isSweeping()):
      i01.rightArm.shoulder.sweep(i01.rightArm.shoulder.pos, i01.rightArm.shoulder.max, delay, 1, True)
    if (i01.rightArm.shoulder.isSweeping()):
      i01.rightArm.shoulder.sweep(i01.rightArm.shoulder.min, i01.rightArm.shoulder.pos, delay, -1, True)
# Left Arm Control  (left joystick for rotate and shoulder)
########################################################"x", -1, 1, -1, 1)
uberjoy.addListener("publishX", "python", "StickXListener")