Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !

Still trying to get face tracking and Tracking working. I have point tracking working fine. I have tried to do this before and was told to put the haarcascade files somewhere. Can someone help me to get them to the right place, please. When I attempt face tracking the opencv shows the "haarcascade frontal" but it doesn't work. Sometimes the whole program shuts down.


i know most people with InMoov has had one or two servos burn out on them and i been thinking on how to stop this, this is just another level of proctetion, but the idea is to install a temperature sensor in each servo and monitor them using th ADC on the arduino and when they get hot it gets turned off and maybe InMoov can tell you about it. 

to start off i needed a cheap temperature sensor and they don't come much cheaper than a silicon diode.

I am new with Mrl and Arduino.Can anyone help me with this problem?

I can't connect arduino with MyRobotLab. It gives error like " did not get response from arduino".

I can get response with arduino's own interface, i can control servo too but i can't connect with MyrobotLab.

I tried both version 1.0.27 and 1.0.29.

The problem solved with your suggestion, i sent the sketch as you said and worked.Especially the video much more helped me to understand the problem.Thank you all of you who helped me.