Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !

Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !


I got a leapmotion, i've installed the software from their website and tested it, it works. Then i installed the leapmotion2 service, and typed this script as explain in the leapmotion page :


So,  I was able to get 2 cameras (OpenCV) working at the same time as having 1 Kinect (OpenNI) running.

Interestingly enough, comparing the camera images to the kinect image, it seems the kinect has the image reversed on the x axis...



I recently saw some posts in the InMoov forum talking about how the supply lines are very important to being able to power the servos properly.  My initial reaction was that the resistance of the wires going to the servo motors should be negligable.  I mean, after all , it's wire.. it's copper.. it's a conductor.  When we think about circuits we always consider that the wires don't have any resistance at all.  They're ideal conductors, if you will.

Can some kind Elf tell me (ASAP) if the Blue LEFT lower arm below looks correct.

Ie Both the Right lower arm and the left lower arm have the support gear on the same side.

I am asking because I could not find the opposite lower forearm and had to remesh myself.(it looks ok to me!!!)

Thanks In advance.....G