# but it sounds as if the trigger and echo pin are tied together ?
# sr04.attach("COM4", 8, 7)
# try this way trigger & echo pin the same
sr04.attach("COM4", 7, 7)
# start the process of ranging
# get a bunch of ranges and print them in the publishRange function
# for 10 seconds
# done
Theoretically (and its very theoretical) - the range should be printed in the python tab - oh yeah and the sr04 tab will have a bar which represents range..
I HAVE NOT TESTED THIS SCRIPT - I HAVE NOT DONE ANY PYTHON .. but I have tested this functionality in Java .. it was a quick attempt to get you what you needed - but I can even validate the Python at the moment...
If it does not work, you know the procedure :)
send a noWorky and our crack team of monkeys will be right on it..
Great Question Bhouston.. I
Great Question Bhouston..
I would recommend getting it working in MRL - then getting it to work in InMoov
Assuming you have the latest MRL...
Try the following script ..
I have to take an unexpected trip to the East coast, so I'll play with this when I get back.