
4 years 11 months ago

So, as it turns out later versions of the Arduino IDE are a bit more strict about certain syntax. 

In previous versions  ( version 1.6.8 for example.)  you could get away with saying "return false" as meaning the same thing as "return 0" or "return NULL"...

Newer versions of the Arduino IDE no longer allow this syntax.  (admittedly, it's probably a good thing ..) anyway...  

The fix is as follows:

On line 53 of LinkedList.cpp , please change the line from

return false;


return NULL;


This fix / change was already done on the develop branch... for reference it's here:



I noticed when compiling the Marlin Firmware in the Arduino IDE, if you have the version thats installed from the Microsoft App Store, the compile files with various libraries not found..
However, if you download the version for the Arduino site and install it instead, the compiles work fine.
The software can be found at

On the right side of thelist choose the top option, Windows Installer, for Windows XP and up

That version works well on Windows 10.

Hope that helps.
