Hello guys!
i know leapMotion is not a new service, but i recently had the necessity to use it for some work, and ofcourse MRL was the platform i used!
With alot of help from Kevin i did reach a final script that uses leap to mimic my index finger and moves a servo accordingly.
The script prints all info from all fingers and palm, however i am only using the index from right hand to control the servos (ofc u can control multiple servos).
In my case i also updated the data obtained 0-100 (angle of index) to 180-0 for the servo degrees and inversion which was needed on this specific case.
so here goes the script for future usage:
# Leap Motion Example Script
# when leap motion data is detected, it will be passed in here
def onLeapData(data):
# make sure we get the global scope of the servo service here.
global servo01
# process the data that came in.
# right hand first
if (data.rightHand):
# if the data has a right hand, print out some info about it.
print("Right Thumb =" + str(data.rightHand.thumb))
print("Right Index =" + str(data.rightHand.index))
print("Right Middle =" + str(data.rightHand.middle))
print("Right Ring =" + str(data.rightHand.ring))
print("Right Pinky =" + str(data.rightHand.pinky))
print("Right Hand Position: x=" + str(data.rightHand.posX) + " y=" + str(data.rightHand.posY) + " z=" + str(data.rightHand.posZ))
# update a position of
indexarino = ((100-data.rightHand.index)*1.8)
# the right hand wasn't found.
print("Right hand not detected.")
# left hand data.
if (data.leftHand):
# print some info about the left hand
print("Left Thumb =" + str(data.leftHand.thumb))
print("Left Index =" + str(data.leftHand.index))
print("Left Middle =" + str(data.leftHand.middle))
print("Left Ring =" + str(data.leftHand.ring))
print("Left Pinky =" + str(data.leftHand.pinky))
print("Left Hand Position: x=" + str(data.leftHand.posX) + " y=" + str(data.leftHand.posY) + " z=" + str(data.leftHand.posZ))
# print left hand not found.
print("Left hand not detected.")
if (data.frame):
# this is the raw frame info from the leap if you want it.
# MAIN Script entry point
# create the leap motion service
leap = Runtime.createAndStart("leap","LeapMotion")
# connect python as a listener for the onLeapData callback
# start the leap motion watching for valid frames.
# set the servo pin that we'll control
servoPin = 3
# specify a rest postion for the servo
restPosition = 90
# specify a com port for the arduino
comPort = "/dev/ttyACM0"
# create the servo & arduino services
arduino = Runtime.start("arduino","Arduino")
servo01 = Runtime.start("servo01","Servo")
# TODO - set limits
servo01.setMinMax(75, 180)
servo01.map(0, 180, 75, 180)
# attach servo
servo01.attach(arduino.getName(), servoPin)
# lets move the servo to it's rest position.