InMoov Head

My suggested order is :

  1. Neck mechanism
  2. Jaw mechanism
  3. Face Parts (only EyeGlassV3 is needed in order to mount eyes mechanism)
  4. Eyes mechanism
  5. Skull Parts

Parts download :

3D PDFs :

(Using Chrome browser. Go to Chrome’s address bar and type in: chrome://plugins/,Then disable “Chrome PDF Viewer” and enable “Adobe Acrobat”)

Video of Head mechanism assembling :

Assembly instructions:

File attached is a Parts list, with estimated time to print, volume, suggested layer thickness and  infill value, required or not required material support.

!!!Maybe parts name have changed due to iterations, from V2 to V3 for example, so always refer to part you download from thingiverse or cubehero...!!


11 years 1 month ago

Thanks Ale ! 
Excited for Monday, and work work play :)


11 years 1 month ago

I think this looks like a logical progression.  The only other thing to consider is scheduling estimated print time with available time with the printer.  :)  So I've been printing parts for the head somewhat haphazardly to fit my schedule.  Nice thing is you'll be at work all day and can fit in long prints easily.