As a starting point:

Can someone please point me to a good minimal arm script that can be controlled using voice, and recommend the correct MRL version for the same? I have broken the arm twice (LOL) and trying to prevent it from breaking a third time. Sometimes I feel, I have the right script, but it doesnt work with the MRL version I have or vice versa. I know there is a script here:

But it is supposed to work with MRL 1695. I cannot find 1695 becos the latest I find is 1606. Also, it is indicated that webkit speech does not support voice confirmations.
May I please have a script to initialize the arm using voice control and MRL version ?
Any help is greatly appreciated.



8 years 6 months ago

Hi Jaideepjoshi,

First things first ...
Just so you understand we are at a magical point - its been 1 year + for a formal release - but we get closer every day - especially after a big refactoring of MrlComm (the slave program which runs on Arduino)

Soooo.  Since you have broken servos I suggest you find a process which will test gross functionality before using it on your arm.   Like a single servo connected to nothing.  With configuration you can make it 'think' its the shoulder, or elbow, or wrist, or finger...  

This way there are fewer suprises... 

I'd also be interested in the details of your breakage - how did it happen?  What do you think would have prevented it ?  Did it happen on startup ?  Details are important with complex things.

I would recommend using the "latest build" link at this point.  

This is the trade off.  We are few in number, and want to make the best open source robotic control system in the world.  We need smart testers.  People who can experiment and report back in detail what improvments and fixes need to be done.  Are you one of those ? :)

As far as a minimal arm script I don't have it, but I'd be willing to make or modify one appropriately for the latest version if you are willing to experiment defensively.  

My first priority is to get the Motor service working for Alessandruino - as he has a MakerFaire shortly, and we want to do strong tele-robotics.   

Right after would be a minimal arm - if you are interested.

What say you?

Hey Grog:

At the onset, thanks for everything you do and your patience. I am totally not complaining about the stuff thats breaking. It is certainly the parts and pieces that can be re-printed. I am still trying to understand, the approrpiate way to start services, then create gestures and see if they work. 

I am using the scripts that are on github, and try to work with them. Yes, I am very appreciative for all the stuff that I can re-use.

The reason, my tparts seem to break, is that even before I can tweak my scripts, I am challenged with "attach". i.e, where is "attach" that is being called and what are the settings for the same. For example:

ear.addCommand("attach left hand", "i01.leftHand", "attach")

I dont even see a def attach() anywhere in the actual script, for me to tweak. 

So when I run a similar script and modify it for bicep, at the onset, the bicep outstretches too much (past rest) and breaks something.

I am totally willing to be a tester and help the greater good. I already break parts/servos on my own, would have no problems sacrificing time/effort/servos/parts in helping you test.

Once again, I really appreciate the patience.





8 years 6 months ago

Hey Grog:

I have toyed with the scripts that you folks have out there, and have successfully tested the Omoplate/Shoulder/Rotate. I am still working on the Bicep (since I had to print out a couple of parts again).I feel more confident now, tat I should get the bicep working to. I started from scratch and built it/tested it in steps, using the slider, and yes it is coming to gether.   I should have it tonight hopefully and will put it up so you can review what I have done. This is all using 1412

The main issue I had was the square pots in the shoulder and omoplate. The ability to get them just right was a challenge.

In any case if you have a script that could become a god template for other things, I would love to follow it. I am thinking, I would do, min arm-hand, min head/neck, and min-torso. That way once these are tested and confirmed they work (with tweaks) then other gestures "should" be easier.

One thing I am stumped on, is there a way to tweak the settings  for "attach" ? is there value in it?

Thanks again.




Hi Jaideep

At first I also had problem to ajust the elbow pot with a square pot. It was like 15° off what it should have been.

To fix that, I edit the elbow gear (the one the is set on the pot) in openSCAD and rotate the notch in the center of the gear by 15° and voila, now I can have the same setting as the original InMoov.

Here's the openSCAD script that I use, you will have to change the angle and the path to the original part



hope it help

Great .. sounds like you've made progress Jaideepjoshi !

The script I would suggest is the one which kwatters is putting together .. and that is this one

But this works with the 'latest' MRL...

So I would recommend that you continue with your excellent progress on your 1412 until  you feel like your ready to safely experiment with the latest, or wait until we do an official release.

Some of the benefits of is the configuration and gestures are seperate from the main script.  This makes it much more modular, and easy to configure and "tweak" 

But take little steps .. it will save your sanity ;)