Man I hope there is and easier way to Capture gestures than how I did it.


10 years 2 months ago

Nice .. how'd you do it ?

How do you want to do it ?

To me kinect would be pretty good - but the kinect skeleton is different than InMoov and it would take both forward and reverse kinematics to fix


Well how I did it was 

1 Started My Main Script.

2 Moved arms, hands & head to positions I want via the sliders.

3. Went to Web Gui i01 and captured geture named "muscleman"

4. Went back into my main script and did a save as.

5. Opened my main script in Text editor that you use and set my sleep pauses my head speeds and head positions.

6 saved ammended script via text editor.

7 Opened my ammended new script in MRL

8 Went back to my muscleman() script and executed.

9. Had extremely large beer because that was a hell of a lot of work.

Qestion 2 answered.

I would like to be able to add my ear service for all the known gestures and then speak the command to Rob "capture gesture" Or I would like to type in capture gesture blahblah via the keyboard and have it show up in my main script. Then I would like to be able to save may main script right in MRL create a new file called blahblah() and execute it and have it run. 

Right now it does not currently work that way. I have to fully back out edit my script in the text editor resave come back into MRL open my main script and then execute the blahblah() script to see the changes.


Ya sounds like a pain..

Keyboard can be done now.. but not don't know the code right off the top of my head...

#4 on my list (Poser) - seems like it would help this endevour too..

I will keep playing with it and documenting as I go. Some of the pain may be in the fact that I am not really used to scripting as yet.

I am definitely getting faster and faster on the web gui. But there is still a ton there that is not being fully utilized.

One of the whacked things the Web Gui does is when I capture a gesture that I have name it shows it with all the parameters but if I bookmark it and come back to it the web gui will not run it.


10 years 2 months ago

Here's how I capture gestures;

Open main script (make sure it is under the Python tab, (do not abbreviate python)

Move servos to postion wanted with the sliders (if the slides aren't there minimize then reopen)

Open a new file (python/file/new)

Say the command - "capture gesture"

Once confirmed, the position of all the servos will appear the "new" file

Cut and paste that into the main file

Create the "def ():

Add speech text and servo speeds

Create - "ear.addCommand"

Save and restart or reload



10 years 2 months ago

Are using InMoov 2.0 GUI 1.0.27 ?  You should be able to get a script from the repository to get you going , if you are.

Pick one of Gael's, it has all the commands you will need to get you going. Make sure that the "capture Gesture" in the startup section is uncommented.

The "ear.startListening" is there, so if you have a microphone attached, it should hear you.

Just be careful running other peoples scripts, it seems that all InMoov's are different when it comes to servo positions/calibration.