Here is my face tracking so far. Uses the OpenCV and Serial services. The code used in this video is HERE.


11 years 1 month ago

Ahahaha :D

Nice Work Matthew ...  I like the target face too ... looks like an uncle of mine :D

What's next PID ?


11 years 1 month ago

WHOOO HOOO :D nice work Matthew !!! YA... Use PID !!! It does the dirty job and you will save lot of code :D


11 years 1 month ago

Yeah PID is definitely in the future. Really though, that is all on the Arduino side, so I'd say the MRL code won't change much.

I'll probably also try tracking other things. I printed out a nice page of different colored shapes that I have yet to play with. I was also thinking about adding some sort of error checking on the Arduino side. Something to keep it from detecting 2 faces on opposite sides of the frame and jumping between them. Haven't really considered how yet. Maybe add some sort of inertia or compare 2 frames. 

Thanks to the two of you for both developing MRL and then telling me how to do stuff with it.


11 years 1 month ago

In reply to by Matthew

MRL has PID  - at this point I thought most of the tracking examples in MRL use PID.  It has reduced the amount of Python code.  Also, in the case of InMoov - we were interested in tracking with both neck and eyes - Al made 4 PID example (x,y for eyes & x,y for neck)