Ok guys, here is my "Bishop"'s head (it's a little cameo, any idea where this name is coming from?)
After much thinking, I decided to make his eyes green, also because it was the only colour I could find among my wife's nail polish :D
Cams are both HD, perhaps one day it will have stereoscopic vision...



10 years 4 months ago

Nice looking build.  I'm guessing Bishop is a reference to the synthetic in Alien/Aliens.


10 years 4 months ago

Green Eyes Too .. !  Looks Great.
If I get around to it .. OpenCV has a lot more Stereo capabilities.. still buried in repo stuff


10 years 4 months ago

Green Eyes Too .. !  Looks Great.
If I get around to it .. OpenCV has a lot more Stereo capabilities.. still buried in repo stuff