Hi guys :) now that i got some acc+gyro sensors i would like to build a robot to walk (following IR light on my back or Ping sensor)...

Don't know if to build a self-balancing robot ( i really like them :D ) or just a BIG robot (telepresence)...

What i would like to add is :

  • voice control
  • follow me
  • webcam + streaming
  • telepresence?
  • kinect for gesture control?
  • robotic arm?

Where i could find BIG wheels? how to couple them to motors? what kind of motors? how to build or find a Good base?? 

Any suggestion would be really appreciated :) THE ROBOT MUST BE BIG :)


11 years 2 months ago

I've got the wheechair base already - nice in the sense that it's a form-factor which has all the parts expected to move a thing as large and heavy enough as a human.  Additionaly, most modern buildings here require door sizes and other structual opening to accomidate it by law :)

Recently got a sabertooth motor controller too..

I need new large deep cycle marine batteries .. and of course the top half :D ...

still working on the printer :)

U do like the self balancing idea .. I think that would be great - it could make the footprint of the whole system much smaller..  Another base I've always thought would be great is 4 wheel pivot drive





11 years 2 months ago

I'm not sure how popular they are over there in Italy but a guy was showing off an RC controlled Power Wheels Jeep.  http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-k…

You might be able to get a free one from someone who's kids don't use it any more.  I found one on someones curb the night before trash pickup. I just needed to get a new 12V battery.

They're rated to carry two big American kids (130 lbs)  and there have been Makerfaire events where adults modify them and race.