A small video showing the progress with creating a generic i2c interface. Yesterday I created a smalla Java program to test using the i2c interface directly on the Raspbery PI GPOI pins without using the Arduino.

I downloaded latest release of Pi4j and used BlueJ IDE to create the Java test program.

BjueJ has a much smaller footprint than Eclipse or NetBeans and it works well for creating small testprograms and small projects on the PI.

Next step is to put the latest pi4j library in the repo of MRL. I may need some help to do that.






8 years 11 months ago



Newest pi4j libraries imported to MRL. Adafruit16CServoDriver and RasPi services updated so that the servos can be controlled by a Servo service from MRL. Next step is to update Arduino service with a few i2c methods for read and write, so that new drivers can use the same set of methods to communicate i2c either thru Arduino or Raspi ( or some other i2c hardware ).  MRLComm also needs to be updated so that the device specific sections can be removed and a generic i2c interface used independant of what i2c device it communicates with. 

Hi Mats

Nice work

I'm facing a challenge with the Adafriut 9685 PWM board

I've followed the guide here and I'm able to control multiple servos through Python via I2C


FWIW, here's a video showing that I'm able to control multiple servos via I2C directly through Python outside of MRL with the PCA9685 driver board




I've then followed the MRL instructions here:

I've used the script here

With the MRL instructions I'm not getting any servo movement when using the MRL servo GUI

Any thoughts?