Next version 'Nixie' is coming soon !
Help us to get ready with MyRobotLab version Nixie: try it !
today on shoutbox I ask how to get the voice/sounds to stay with scooter and not be on the remote desktop comtputer. The "GREAT AND WONDERFUL OZ'" , OH, I mean Greg said it was a setting under remote desktop and he is right. you have 3 choices on a windows 7 machine: play on this computer, do not play, play on remote computer.
Scooter has its voice back, thanks Oz!
life is good
Ok... all good humor. But it makes me think we need a robotics edition of the Darwin Awards.
Spent the weekend getting Azul and scooter working on 1.0.107.
In my last version of MRL I cleared the serial port buffer with:
#would like to clean out serial buffer
def clearbuffer():
crap = 0
for i in range(1,100):
crap =
# pass or break next does not work
which does not work anymore in latest version of mrl
These last few weeks I've been working on an Agent Service and a CLI service.
The CLI service is turning out to be great fun and VERY powerful !! Kwatters and I have been throwing around ideas on how it should behave.
Above you see the ls command.
ls at root / returns all the running services
ls at a service e.g. ls /cli/ ending with a slash returns all the methods.
Before starting my robot project (buying electronic stuff) I would like to know something :
Is there a way to transfer data from excel (or any kind of spreadsheet) to Arduino board automatically ? To sum up : arduino controled by a spreadsheet.
I found out a promising program wich is Gobetwino freeware (interaction between arduino and PC)... Do you think this could help ?
I've found someting that seem interresting ; mix GSvideo with openCV to increase the speed ans allow binocular vision .
Here is what is write on a french website ( :
hello again i need help im using this code: