reloaded a clean/new version of win10 64 bit
downloaded Java: java version "1.8.0_28", Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.281-b09, mixed mode)
downloaded Manticore: manticore 1.0.2693
create MRL directory and run java -jar myrobotlab.jar -install
start myrobotlab with START_INMOOV.bat, btw the 'mv' command is not recognized (the line: mv myrobotlab.log myrobotlab.log.1)
myrobotlab starts in virtual mode, stop myrobotlab again
upload mrlcomm.ino to both arduino mega's
edit config files in inmoov/config,
in _InMoov.config set ScriptType=Full,
in service_6_Arduino.config set the appropriate comm port for left and right, i know they work as I just uploaded the arduino code
in skeleton_head.config set isHeadActivated=True
restart START_INMOOV.bat, now the sequence runs as far as loading the right arduino service. and then it stops. it never starts the left arduino service, nor anythinmg from the head like eyes x eyes y, etc.
if I tell it ScriptType=LeftSide, the left arduino service is started, likewise if I tell it RightSide, the right arduino service is started, but Full will not start both arduinos.
I tried this on another win10 loaded laptop with the same results.
I have been running this on a win7 64bit laptop, connected to the robot with no problems, yet, win 10 giving me heart ache
(tried same with Nixie and java 11, pretty much same result on win10)
What am I missing?????
of interest is the fact that in virtual mode everything seems to work fine, it isn't till it needs to connect to a real usb port, or arduino, that things go south....
checked between the win7 laptop and the 2 win10 laptops
running same version of java.
tried copying the MRL folder from the win7 machine, slightly older version of manticore, to the win10 machine.
again, the older version runs fine in virtual mode, but when enabling either LeftSide or RightSide or Full, the gui in the old version actually abruptly closes down, somewhere after the voice says enabling webspeach recognition. This only happens when a real port is enabled.
I did try the older version and started from a clean(older) jar file install, same result.
so far the only commonality I can find is win10.
Confused, what am I missing?
something simple?
Manticore runs just fine on the win7 laptop
Hello, Try to install this
Try to install this java version:
Hi Gael Thanks! sadly, I
Hi Gael
sadly, I already tried that version of java.
it seems the crash always seems to happed when a real com port is initialized in manticore version [1.0.2693], but runs ok in virtual mode
the log always ends with after the crash when swing gui closes by itself.