DC & Stepper Motor HAT for Raspberry Pi - 16-Channel PWM / Servo HAT for Raspberry Pi - Check ( Not the HAT but I have the 16-Channel PWM / Servo board - Check
32 G SD Card - Check
32G USB - Chek
Batteries - Check
Chassis - I have an old one. Should not be a problem to print a diffent chassis if needed - Check
Joystick - I have a PS3 gamepad. Should work on the PI - Check
Headers - Some
IMU Daughter board - No
ADC Daughter board - No
Duckietown uses ROS ( http://www.ros.org/ ). It's a great projct with many contribtions from the leading edge of science and is used by many robots.
But ROS i's not so easy to use for a hobbyist robot builders.
MRL is much more accessible, but more services are needed, for things like navigation and hardware access.
So using the Duckietown challenge to bring MRL to the next level should be a good path. One challenge is that ROS is C/C++/Python and MRL is Java/Jython. So either some bridge between ROS and MRL is neccessary, or we go the little more heavy path of converting from one langage to another.
Both ROS and MRL use similar service and messaging pattern, so pehaps a bridge would be the best alternative.
Do you have a suggestion to what development area the competition should be held. A specific service or a combination of many ?
What part of MyRobotLab do yo want to speed up the development of ?
Who would compete and where ?
Do you wan't MRL developers to team up and make a joint effort to win a competition ?
You have a Raspi Cam ?
You have a Raspi Cam ?
Now I understand
I have many of the parts reqired already.
Raspi PI 3 ( No need for extra WiFi USB ) - Check
Raspi Camera with wide angle lens - Check
DC & Stepper Motor HAT for Raspberry Pi - No
DC & Stepper Motor HAT for Raspberry Pi - 16-Channel PWM / Servo HAT for Raspberry Pi - Check ( Not the HAT but I have the 16-Channel PWM / Servo board - Check
32 G SD Card - Check
32G USB - Chek
Batteries - Check
Chassis - I have an old one. Should not be a problem to print a diffent chassis if needed - Check
Joystick - I have a PS3 gamepad. Should work on the PI - Check
Headers - Some
IMU Daughter board - No
ADC Daughter board - No
Duckietown uses ROS ( http://www.ros.org/ ). It's a great projct with many contribtions from the leading edge of science and is used by many robots.
But ROS i's not so easy to use for a hobbyist robot builders.
MRL is much more accessible, but more services are needed, for things like navigation and hardware access.
So using the Duckietown challenge to bring MRL to the next level should be a good path. One challenge is that ROS is C/C++/Python and MRL is Java/Jython. So either some bridge between ROS and MRL is neccessary, or we go the little more heavy path of converting from one langage to another.
Both ROS and MRL use similar service and messaging pattern, so pehaps a bridge would be the best alternative.
A ROS bridge would be
A ROS bridge would be possible, that's what the ROS service was about originally, but have not implemented it yet.
Most of the features I believe are already in MRL, it would just take some focus to polish them to the level to make a Duckie work.
I'd be excited to see a Mats duckie !